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Everything posted by souls33k3r

  1. Ah nice. Yeah I've heard that stock screws are better at holding collimation but bobs knobs are easier but requires frequent collimation. I might buy them too because they're only £20. Yeah the numbers don't make sense but it must be doing something right otherwise you would see wonky stars around the edge of the fov. I wonder if Zoltan might be able to give us an input in that. Still £620 is a lot of money, so is £520 for the moonlite. Eek!
  2. That's very well collimated and nice round stars. You using bobs knobs for collimation or the standard screws?
  3. Perfecto, just wanted to check my sanity here. I do see usual redcuers after the focuser so thought if it had been thought/asked of. Yeah I noticed that too hence why the question tbh.
  4. Quick question, just a thought, what's the reason (if any) can't you put the EdgeHD 0.7x reducer after the focuser?
  5. Happy to try it if I'm not paying for it but then happy to pay for it if it works out well. Let me do a little digging around the forums and see what people's experience has been with it. Should not be discounting anything at this point.
  6. As long as you're able to get us the discount 😂 good man, just seen your image posted and it's really good. Can not wait for you to put Essato through its paces
  7. Awesome stuff bro. You're too kind. It looks like Moonlite might be a better option so far but Essato is just doing something I have not felt for a while (I mean a month lol) and it means serious money going out of my pocket
  8. That and you're good
  9. You're too kind buddy and thank you for sharing your experience. The moonlite version, was it the CHL version? I'm in no rush but I'd most certainly want to be able to use my fw, TOAG and camera. What camera and kit are you using with Essato and what other kit did you use with moonlite? Like I said, whatever I need to choose needs to get all of this to be within the imaging train.
  10. True master at work. Love it matey.
  11. Motorised focuser is not the issue here because I already have the Lakeside which I will incorporate in to any of the options. I really do not have a budget in mind but it does not have to be silly. Was hoping to find out what options do I have and if any of these options will suit my need for incorporating my gear. If it does then good, if not then I guess at the top end will be the Moonlite which I will really need to justify the spend but will have to end up spending it seems.
  12. I absolutely get that was how its supposed to work and am quite happy with it. After replying, I went back and tried to decipher the document and from what I understood, I don't have much backfocus to incorporate the camera, fw and oag. If my suspicions are correct then Moonlite is the only available option then. I will get another set of eyes to look at what I'm reading but from initial thoughts, it might be out of the question Got it. @SyedTmentioned him having issues with Moonlite version so I'm just waiting to see if it was the CHL version specifically for the EdgeHD 8" or just another one.
  13. Top man mate. Much appreciated. If I've interpreted the Baader technical drawings correctly, when the focuser is all the way in, it's 93mm. The back focus available to me after the reducer is 105mm so that's only 12mm to play with in which I'll need my camera, oag, and main camera 🙄 am I reading this correctly?
  14. Ah gotcha you're quite right, it does indeed look like it. Wowzer! Look at that beast. I assuming this setup is for visual? Now assuming baader is great and will work, question is what adapters do I need and if that would take a massive chunk away from the available back focus.
  15. That's a might fine video. Mind if I ask which particular shed (link would be awesome). Also would love to see the roof sliding in action and how are you locking it down.
  16. Yeah I'm really swaying towards baader but need to be sure of the available back focus on this bad boy. Got any experience with either of these specifically Moonlite with EdgeHD 8 or Baader Steeltrack on its own? Top man. You got any experience with the Baader by any chance mate? Too kind @SyedT. Really do appreciate your input and the detailed explanation. Obviously if you're rating the Essato high enough then it must be good but the most important thing you mentioned was the available BF which is 38mm. I've just calculated and without any spacers im at 38mm. Bummer! I've noticed tbsi trend with Primaluce Lab is that anything you buy for the gear is always an add-on and they charge you for it. Not cool! You mentioned you had issues with Moonlite focuser, was this the CHL version that takes in the 0.7x Reducer? If so, I'd love to hear about that. Here or pm, I'll leave that to you buddy I sure will matey, cheers for that. Moonlite is a serious second contender if Baader one doesn't pan right. I guess three things I'm trying to find out is that how much space will this Baader take so that I can calculate the availabile backfocus, secondly if anyone has any experience using Baader Steeltrack and how good are they? And lastly if there are any other options out there in terms of the focuser which I haven't though of? From what I've read, the meade microfocuser is not compatible with EdgeHD 8" scope unless I've read it wrong mate.
  17. Baader one seems to be looking like a contender but will it all take the first post gear that I mentioned? That's the question really. The good thing about the moonlite is that the 0.7x EdgeHD reducer fits within its flange which gives you more of the back focus ( or at least that's how I've interpreted it)
  18. No it wasn't, it was on that price for at least 6months if not more. I'm sure they're all nice mate. It's just that because I'm a total noob at this external focuser business so wanted some assistance in knowing and understand if all of my above gear will be able to get incorporated in the imaging train. The EdgeHD 8" backfocus after the Reducer is 105mm. Also if I have missed any other focusers, would be super helpful.
  19. Really? I'm sure just under a month ago I saw it at £420
  20. Hi All, I think I mignt have to end up buying an external focuser for my EdgeHD 8" scope and because I'm not too well versed in this subject matter, I'd like your kind help in suggesting something which will fit my purpose. Allow me to explain my setup, I have EdgeHD which has a stock focuser and I've had a terrible experience using the motorised stepper focuser on it so was suggested to leave the stock focus knob and buy an external focuser which does make sense for my application. My scope is currently in such formation EdgeHD 8 - 0.7x Reducer - Spacer/Adapter to attach to an OAG - TOAG - Spacer/T2 to attach to FW - ZWO FW - Asi1600 camera I would like to keep all the components so the external focuser needs to come somewhere in between. Can you kindly suggest any that does not break the bank? I already have a Lakeside focuser so will look in to attaching that. Options I have seen so far are: 1) Moonlite CHL 2.5" focuser for which I've seen the price hike (£130 in the last few days) so that's out of the question. 2) Primaluce lab Essato 2" which again is stupidly expensive and I already have Lakeside so now what? 3) Baader SteelTrack Diamond SC for SCT Telescopes 4) Revelation 2" SCT Crayford - 1:11 Dual Speed Focuser Any others? Any experiences with any of the above? Whatever choice I would like to have like I said will need to incorporate all of my gear above. Thank you.
  21. No they're not but for this scope it was so had to reverse it. Ah, bummer. Did not see that but because there was a massive hype behind this a few months ago, I thought I should throw this in the mix.
  22. Ok I just had 2 different thoughts. 1) Because I use the Pegasus UPB, when I had to go from 0 - infinity, I noticed I had to go in reserve so change the directions on UPB and it was fine. In SGP, for backlash, I was using the IN option rather than OUT. Could that be another thing I need to look at? Thoughts? 2) I'd love to solve this issue with a Crayford / R&P focuser but having just spent a good sum on something else, I do not like the sound of spending more money on Moonlite CHL focuser which is for EdgeHD scopes but that too needs collimating from time to time so how about the celestron focuser? Could this be a solution? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astronomy-cables-leads-accessories/celestron-focus-motor-for-sct-and-edgehd.html Not sure how it would be any different to having Lakeside?
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