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Posts posted by Glimpse111

  1. 3 hours ago, johninderby said:

    Fitting a white light solar filter to your SCT will give good results. The Baader solar filter film is the best solar filter film available.The thick polymer solar film used in the Celestron branded filter doesn’t have the sharpness and contrast of the Baader. 

    You could easily make your own solar filter using the Baader film.


    For the refractor you can also use a solar film filter on the front or use a Herschel Solar Wedge which is better than any solar film but a more expensive option. Note solar wedges can only be used on refractors though. I use a solar wedge on my refractor.

    BTW the sun is actually white not yellow.The Celestron filter gives the sun an artificial yellow colour. 



    Thank you, John. Much appreciated, and thanks for educating me on Sun’s light being white 🙂 

    I will try to look for Herschel Wedge and Baader film. 

    Best regards 


  2. Hi Kieran,


    I don't see a reason why canon 1100 shouldn't work with it. You would need an adopter for the camera to attach it to the scope ( not sure you already have it). You don't need to upgrade the scope to have a better view of Moon, Jupitor, Mars, Staurn and Venus but probably would need a high quality and high power eyepiece. For deepsky object I don't think you can do much with 5 inch (in terms if clarity)




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