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Posts posted by alpacajack

  1. Hello - I like my new eq6 -r mount except that images I take over 30 seconds show star trails and does not track very well.  I would think that a heavy duty mount in this price range would perform better.  My OTA is the Explore Scientific 208mm f/3.9 Carbon Fiber Reflector Astrograph and my imaging camera is a Touptek G3 1600KPA.  My mount has a computer port on the mount that I connect directly to my computer.  The interface is through ASCOM and EQMOD.  The  program I use for control is Astrophotography Tool.  My normal routine is leveling the tripod, balancing the mount, polar alignment using iOptron iPolar Electronic Polar scope, find a star to focus, goto an object and photograph it.

    Has anyone experienced this problem?  Any suggestions on improving the tracking.

    I would really appreciate any suggestions.  Should I send it to skywatcher for repair?


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