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Everything posted by patricmooriamnot

  1. Thanks for the info I`m learning all the time. I won`t waste my time trying to work with auto guiding. Still its all good fun.
  2. I have just been looking through my ZWO manual and it seems it has a auto guilder built in. I have no idea how to use it. It needs other software. Will this guider control my goto mount? I imagine I would have to use the mount control first to slew to the region of sky I want and then disconnect the control and connect the camera guider. The more I look into this the more questions I have. Trial and error seems a good option at the moment. Thanks for all your input.
  3. O Dear. and I thought my mount was all singing all dancing. ( for a beginner)
  4. I think that is where I am going wrong. I think the guy on u tube said something like that. He says he can get good DSOs with his ZWO. Great help guys Thanks
  5. ok thanks for that, I wonder if the software can get my zwo to take a long exposer snapshot. I will try.
  6. Thank Ed. I will keep working at it. I do have an AltAz goto scope and when aligned I thought it might track a star in the nebula. Focus is a major issue yes. again I try and focus on the star I`m tracking. I have made a cap with two holes in to place over the end of the scope and this helps. Thanks once again for your input and lets hope for more cleer skies.
  7. Thanks for you reply Peter, I will try taking much longer videos and see how that goes. I still can`t get my head around the stacking bit I have downloaded deep sky stacker so will have to just practice using it. Dark skies.
  8. Hi Guys. I am very new to this subject and would appreciate any help I can get. Orion is nice and high in the southern sky at the moment and I would love to take photo`s of the horse head nebula and the great orion nebula. I have a skywatcher 130 goto scope and a ZWO ASI120MC-S CAMERA. I don`t understand about darks and lights. I have watched a video on u tube and a guy there has explained how he gets sharp images and what settings he uses but I have had little success copying he settings. Unfornunatly I do not get very dark skies where I live so perhaps this is my problem. Any help would be most appreciated. Phil.
  9. Hi Nigel, just read your post. how true I have just bought a SW130p goto scope and have no idea how to set it up. How do I set up home position for parking? because I can alter altitude by hand,. how does it know where it is. How should I position the mount before tuning on power? I have not been able to do a star alignment yet as the skys have been cloudy. Ive tried stting skewing limots but that doesn`t seem to work. I am most confused. Can you help?
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