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Everything posted by StaceStar

  1. Hiya! Thank you for the kind words about my image, its still a work in progress but im very hopeful. A bit about where i image from, I live in Birmingham and my skies vary from bortle 6-8 depending on direction, I also have LED streetlights, the moon was up a bit last night and very bright....plus finally it didnt really get that dark at all last night. So in short i think this filter is brilliant. I too saw the crescent image and i'm not entirely sure what has gone on there, but for me this filter has made quite the impact
  2. hi! here are those files you asked for, all single 240s frames just converted to JPEG. First is a single frame unstretched, second is a single frame with a medium stretch but background not neutralized, third is a single frame with the same stretch but the back ground neutralised. None are dark corrected so thats why there is the typical 183 sensor glow on the right side.
  3. Also, please note that was a 5 minute 2am process haha, I used APP to stack ...but used the Ha-Oiii colour algorithm rather than AAD
  4. Mine is a pre production one, they made about 10 of the quad and 10 of the tri...so sold out very quickly. However if you keep an eye on the site they will be making more soon Also incidentally got first light last night, this is only 14x 240s. (with 3 darks and 0 flats)...will be adding more data tonight. Yes i'm a glutton for punishment imaging on the shortest nights of the year hahah. Either way i am massively impressed.
  5. I'm excited to try it out for sure! Brilliant price too 😄 I think it'll compliment my l-pro max filter very well!! 😄
  6. New Altair starwave ascent 102ed f7 😁
  7. Ordered myself one of these today, it arrives tomorrow Not too worried about the glass , just eager to see what i can do with it!
  8. i've been experimenting with astropixel processor and photoshop. believe it or not, this is still only 35 minutes of data. I used the Ha-Oiii extract stacking mode in astropixel processor, and then used my Ha data to make a synthetic Oiii image. I then combined these in photoshop to make a bi colour image. Not totally accurate :) but good practice nonetheless.
  9. Cheers Adam I did indeed add the colour in post processing. I have a monochrome version too...but I was liking the red one ! 😁 Looking forward to using them a bit more
  10. This is a reprocess of some old data i found lurking on my hard drive Yes i know its not the done thing (and the reasons why it isn't) but sometimes i like to do a bit of narrowband with my 183c. This is literally just a starting point, i'll be adding miles more data, maybe doing a mosaic and a bi colour with my oiii filter too. 7 x 300s with darks and flats, stacked and processed in APP with final touch up in photoshop.
  11. I was lucky enough to win image of the month from the national schools observatory Data was from their 2m Liverpool telescope, but my processing 😊
  12. Not a serious imaging night for me I'm afraid, just testing. But got a few shots of m13 good luck with the new pier!
  13. First light with the pier. Keeping it simples tonight, but considering i didn't rebalance it and the wind is picking up, I'm very pleased!
  14. Here you go https://www.orbitalfasteners.co.uk/en/products/m6-concrete-anchor-ankerbolt-socket-bolt-m8-thread?utm_medium=google_shopping&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=google_shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItoC3662C4gIVzLDtCh2noA1mEAQYASABEgIklvD_BwE
  15. Not sure yet, idle hands and all that 😎 watch this space
  16. Haha my north wasn't quite perfect, I'll hold my hands up...drilling concrete isn't my forte 😂😂 However had enough adjustment in my bolts to get there, and a nice polar alignment just to make sure all my work wasn't for nowt! 😁😁😁
  17. Won't be having first light tonight, just need a wing bolt to lock everything down 😁
  18. Mostly painted, with added zoomies 😁
  19. Hold my beer. Said someone without a block pier 😂
  20. Will do I'll make sure I'm fully prepared before using it Living in Birmingham 😂 ....most likely taking it off and on. This is more for stability really. Though if I can find a good cover eventually I might leave it out if for example we had a run of good evenings etc
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