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Ju Piter

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Status Updates posted by Ju Piter

  1. 10 foot pool up ready for this week.think ill dive in during my observing as it was so hot last night was out in just my boxer shorts lol

    1. Ju Piter

      Ju Piter

      venus and jupiter at there closest tonight going to take a little pic with my phone for keeps sake :)

  2. well what a dull rainy dreary day today :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ronin


      My lot were talking of hot air from Spain and 33C temperatures. So it there is a cold wind, grey cloud and presently raining.

    3. Moon-Watcher


      Its beautiful here - Wales - where else?

    4. Ju Piter

      Ju Piter

      well cheltenham is horrible today

  3. Winter is on its way :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Moon-Watcher


      I do like the shape of the MK1 600 Bandits...

    3. Moon-Watcher


      Hi Jupiter,

      I want to see Saturn too.

      Where is it now?



    4. xtreemchaos


      i havent got it,no skywatching for me,watch movie instead Insidious Chapter 3.

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