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Everything posted by Tzitzis

  1. Can't wait for tonight's session!!! Almost 2 weeks since last one!

    1. Qualia


      Good luck! This hobby can sometimes be very frustrating.

    2. Tzitzis


      Well it kinda was today too :(

  2. Finally a scope! 60mm refractor. Venus was radiant....

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      The classic 60mm frac. That's where I started. Enjoy!

    2. Tzitzis


      Thanks! I will enjoy the views!

  3. SkyWatcher 150/1200 Skyliner Here I come! Well in about a year or so when I get the money xD

  4. This was really helpfull. Thanks a Lot! Tzitzis
  5. Tzitzis


    :O So beautiful... With a 4'' refractor...
  6. SkyWatcher 150/1200 Skyliner Here I come! Well in about a year or so when I get the money xD

  7. Yeaaaah!I'm a nebula!Nebulas are my favorite!

    1. xtreemchaos


      i rate nebulas very high after all thats where stars are born.

    2. Tzitzis


      I like the colours:p

  8. I'm a vacuum,hell yeaaaah!

  9. Heavy metal thunder!!!!

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