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Status Updates posted by Tzitzis


    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Long time no see, how you doing?

    2. Tzitzis


      Hi Dave, I'm fine. I'm having long periods of malfunctions with my pc and i'm on the hunt for a new one. Too much work as well. How about you? :) 

    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      Great thanks. Like you too much work and not enough astro :mad:

  2. Damn... My pc broke down and here I am a couple of months after. Hope I didn't lose much :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. barkis


      Must have been a difficult repair to take two months.
      I hope it behaves itself now, and lets you catch up :icon_biggrin:.


    3. Tzitzis


      Yeah finally. Lost almost all my files. Lots of music - a bit hard to find. No worries though, it's going to be aaaaaallright.

    4. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      This is why I have two back-ups on two (kept separately) external hard-drives of all my files. I hope you can find them hiding somewhere.

  3. Damn Exeter! What a try!

  4. Chicago Bears need to get a good quarterback and a better offensive line. The guys keep losing the ball from their hands. Fumbles, sacks jeez... FRUSTRATION....

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      I'm with you on this! Horrible start to the season. Fingers crossed it can only get better!

    2. Tzitzis


      Excuse me for being the pessimist (more like the realist) here but I don't think there will be more than 3 wins top. Anyway, one can only hope Dave!

  5. Perseus Double Cluster. OMG....

    1. orion25


      YES! I was up until the wee hours waiting on the double cluster to wheel around. Always a gorgeous sight :hello2:

    2. Tzitzis


      Pure beauty....

    3. orion25


      Here's a picture I took of NGC 884:


  6. 1 year without EPs. I could see Mars for the first time tonight... Such a miserable scope my frac :( I'm planning to get me some before the year changes so chin up!

  7. I must quit smoking... :x

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tzitzis


      Damn! I know you could mess with the concentration with mixin the flavors etc. If the concentration of nicotine in the flavor bottles is false I suppose you could get that.

    3. nightfisher


      I was on 30 a day nearly 2 years ago, i went onto an E cig starting with 18mg nicotine and now vape 10mg strength, remember you can get very low nicotine or even zero nicotine, since taking up the E cig i have not touched a proper cig

    4. Tzitzis


      Nice! I will buy one when I raise the money!

  8. Been in a village 750m above sea level. Only thing I saw was Mars, Jupiter and the Summer Triangle. Damn those clouds!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. romx


      Was clear patches here, until of course it started to go darker then thick clouds rolled over. Been terrible for weeks now at 0m above sea level

    3. Knighty2112


      Yep. Nice and clear here till dark started to fall, then high cloud started covering up everything! Grrrrr.......

    4. Tzitzis


      Haven't seen a thing like that before guys. They were light, super thin clouds, that travelled  like smoke in the air and they kept blocking all the light. Moon, Mars, Jupiter were clearly visible. But anything else wasn't. Frustration

  9. Happy birthday Tzitzis! I wish you to get a brand new telescope! :p:p:p 

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Have a good one!

    2. Knighty2112


      Happy birthday. Hope your wish came true. :) 

    3. Tzitzis


      Thanks guys! Clear skies to you!!!

  10. Back after a long long time... Things changed a bit around here :p

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Piero


      It seems a lovely place! :) 

    3. Tzitzis


      Patras? Have you looked it up in the web?

      Well it's allright I suppose. No clear skies though. Lots of LP!!!

    4. Piero


      I saw some photo on the Internet yeah! Nice sea!

  11. Had my first try in the practice today in a near try zone scenario. Smashed into the defense nad got in! Hell Yeah!

    1. Gutross
    2. Tzitzis
    3. Gutross


      ok that makes so much more sense, In canada Rugby was popular. Brutal but popular. though recently i watched a us rugby match up. I cant believe how tame the game was

  12. Wonderful (Moon) tonight.... :D

    1. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      Though lovely, my Moon was yellowish. Likely this is from all the smoke from forest-fires in the west. You're lucky - so far!

  13. Enjoyed the best view of our star yesterday-no scope. About 7:30 easily seeing it without sunglasses a perfect round disc of white-yellow colour...

    1. kenny k

      kenny k

      Looked nice around 6.50am this morning through the early mist.

    2. xtreemchaos


      no sol here just cloudy,

    3. Tzitzis


      It was afternnon... And it was so clear throught the mist/clouds... I could see it as long as I wanted to...Circular disc, so nice.

  14. Right now I have no money, I can't observe in any way and the situation is horrible. But I'm young and I have my health.I CAN STILL DREAM!And I'm gonna make it...Don't ever lose hope guys!Cheers to all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke


      My best view recently was with the Mk1 eyeball. The Milky Way from a dark site. Stunning! Hope things improve money-wise for you soon.

    3. Tzitzis


      Well I live in the center of Athens :x The definition of LP!

    4. Piero


      Well said Constantinos! Well said! ;-)

  15. My parents misplaced-lost all my EP's and diagonals in the moving. No money to get them back. I want to kill somebody :@:@:@:@:@

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      im sure thay will turn up,try to look on the bright side, your young , you are well and you still have your scope. cheer up mate everything will be cool...

    3. Tzitzis


      I guess you are right. They'll turn up I guess. I 'll let you know guys.

    4. Stargazer33


      If they don't turn up can you not claim on the insurance? Household insurance should cover it I would have thought. Even if you don't get the full amount, it may be enough to let you get out and do something!

  16. Moved from Patras to Athens. Forgot all my EP's in the home with some other stuff ;(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gutross


      glad you found out before it was too late

    3. Piero


      ahi! stellarium then? :D

    4. Tzitzis


      I'm going back tomorrow to get them.

  17. So excited! I'm gonna observe after a long long time...

    1. xtreemchaos


      things are starting to look good here too in south wales..

    2. Tzitzis


      Well lots of haze here.Something came up and my session is over...But I managed my second double star Graffias!!!

    3. xtreemchaos


      that one off your list well done.

  18. Jupiter had COLOUR!!!! And Saturn had RINGS!!! OMG!

    1. xtreemchaos


      have you tryed venus yet.

    2. Tzitzis


      yes. She's radiant! I saw the shadow on the edge of venus yesterday. :)

  19. Can't wait for tonight's session!!! Almost 2 weeks since last one!

    1. Qualia


      Good luck! This hobby can sometimes be very frustrating.

    2. Tzitzis


      Well it kinda was today too :(

  20. Finally a scope! 60mm refractor. Venus was radiant....

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      The classic 60mm frac. That's where I started. Enjoy!

    2. Tzitzis


      Thanks! I will enjoy the views!

  21. SkyWatcher 150/1200 Skyliner Here I come! Well in about a year or so when I get the money xD

  22. SkyWatcher 150/1200 Skyliner Here I come! Well in about a year or so when I get the money xD

  23. Yeaaaah!I'm a nebula!Nebulas are my favorite!

    1. xtreemchaos


      i rate nebulas very high after all thats where stars are born.

    2. Tzitzis


      I like the colours:p

  24. I'm a vacuum,hell yeaaaah!

  25. Heavy metal thunder!!!!

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