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Status Updates posted by Dom1961

  1. Congratulations to space x!!!

  2. 20 mins into a star trail exposure with iso 3200 and F5.6 for those who helped on my intervalometre thread, I'm using eos utility to control the 100d

  3. Too much high cloud :'(

  4. FINALLY! Just ticked off the dumbell nebula!! Blimey it's bigger than I thought! (Compared to the ring! How could I have missed it!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joel Shepherd

      Joel Shepherd

      Sounds like a great night. The Dumbbell took me several nights to find for the first time: I think that was a big night for myself as well.

    3. Tzitzis


      Well done!!!

    4. jabeoo1


      Dumbell is huge but its overall surface brightness is only ghost-like compared to the ring :)

  5. 28mm Maxvision and 2" OIII inbound for my birthday! :D Hoping to get some good weather when we're camping at the elac event so I can look at the veil :D

  6. Currently struggling to keep my tiny wallet shut :l

    1. Gutross


      mine is awyas open, have to air out the moths somehow

    2. goose35


      A wallet is just a middle man, i send my notes direct :)

    3. xtreemchaos


      whats a wallet,i cant afford a wallet.

  7. First clear night in weeks, but couldn't find anything that I planned to look at :'(

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