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Posts posted by DavideBar

  1. Hello all,

    I'm returning to the hobby after a few years, due to a malfunction on my AVX and the repair being too much money at the time. But now with everything settled in, and on my parents in laws house I have access to almost unlimited clear skies 

    After setting up, balancing and aligning the telescope/mount/dslr/guide cam I started PHD2 and this is where the trouble began. I'll list below my equipment and pictures of my settings in hope anyone can help me 

    Mount: Celestron AVX

    Tube: Newtonian 8" F/4

    Cam: Nikon D3100 (plan on upgrading in the future for sure)

    Guide Cam Combo: Orion StarShoot AutoGuide + 50mm guide scope

    I'm running the software on a macOS Big Sur 11.6.8.

    PHD2: Version 2.6.11

    INDIGO Server (CloudMakers): Version 4.5

    INDIGO Drivers: - Nextstar Mount

                               - SSAG/QHY5 Camera

    I'll now share pictures showing what I have turned on:

    Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 11.14.04.png

    If its necessary I can show the contents of each driver.

    On PHD2 I try this settings for the equipment:

    Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 11.17.56.png

    But after I click on Connect All

    When I go again to check my equipment it show without the Aux Mount

    Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 11.18.15.png

    Either way the mount never moves, but I hear it moving very silently, and the star on the PHD2 starts drifiting and If I take a picture of around 10s I get trail. So no guiding is being applied.

    What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me please 

    PS: I forgot to mention that I have an ST4 cable connected from the guide cam to the mount and if I select the guide cam and on the mount I choose On Camera it doesn't move either.

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