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Everything posted by omo

  1. Even more worrying is the disease can manifest itself further in increasingly larger boxes
  2. Can the iphone multitask yet? Used to be the case you needed 2 IOS devices, one to use the skywatcher app and then another one for Skysafari. Android does not have this issue. Dont know if things have changed since my iphone 6
  3. indeed madness lets hope it does not continue: New name needed for the dwarf stars, cant upset the white's, more Indigenous people of America, or those who have dwarfism Similarly black holes
  4. Really informative thread thank you everyone. I just wish i hadn't done the arithmetic, it appears that to do the AZ100 and C9.25 justice, i need a third counterweight 😡 Think i will have to get a skywatcher 5Kg drilled out and never mind the aesthetics
  5. I had an 8mm Orion branded version, guess i was lucky that i paid the same price as the other 3 BST's at the time
  6. Are you getting your eye placement right for the eyepiece, they can blackout, also called kidney beaning i think if not right , try it during the day may be easier to understand
  7. Yours definitely looks worse than my one did, you would have thought it went through a couple of x-ray machines enroute so why is this necessary, is there a shortage of sniffer dogs
  8. Today courtesy of @iPeace i received a pristine 4mm Delite, thank you Mike 👍 This was extremely well packaged until the idiots from the UK Border Agency got there hands on it. They need lessons on how to tape back up the boxes they slice open properly 😡
  9. 2 tube rings and a dovetail should do it, you need to know the outside diameter of the tube, where its wearing its label. Someone more familiar with the scope may know its OD John beat me to it
  10. Apparently i'm really not trying hard enough with only 3 scopes. Seems i'm in the Scottish Cloudy brigade Dont get any grief about the current 3 but the 8" dob seemed to be a bone of contention - till it went
  11. Fit a finder shoe where you want it, wear a mask when drilling the CF tube, or you could stick a telrad on it - and you may be able to turn the focuser around too for convenience
  12. This is something that has been scrambling my brain recently too, i found a helpful article on Baaders website relating to calculating the magnifications as the extension distance changed for the VIP barlow. Theres a pdf under the downloads tab: https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/accessories/optical-accessories/barlow-lenses-coma-and-glaspathcorrectors/vip-2x-modular-barlow-lens-visual-and-photographic.html
  13. You could put something like a Nevad PSU in the khazi for home use, look for a deep cycle battery instead of a normal car one
  14. There are worse things to be addicted too - a superb collection 👍
  15. I have very recently bought one of these, i already had a Baader T2 Zeiss prism with a T2 / 2" inch nosepiece so thats on the bino now via the T2 connection. From what i can tell the bayonet connection saves unscrewing the T2 connection, so its quicker, you do have to buy the corresponding connector though. If you use the T2 it screws straight onto the diagonal as is. I dont meet your criteria for experienced but there is a lot of info on the forum and plenty of bino users Which may be why i am thinking about using GPC's in the nosepiece in front of the diagonal sometimes with a barlow fitted to vary magnification and swapping those in and out. Undoing the T2 screw to change a GPC in the diagonal sounds like to much trouble when its dark.
  16. As Alan says if you shrink the AZ100, its not going to be that much cheaper. Its just too labour intensive a design, and that labour is not at Chinese wages level. Then there is the lower volumes than the mass produced units to return the investment. I think we all hoped it would be less pricey, my wallet still winces when i think about how much it all cost, more importantly i still smile every time i look at it or use it
  17. I would recycle / sell. Just parted with 2 eyepieces I was not using to continue funding bits for my bino
  18. Its still a modular concept 👍 but i can see the motor kit being pricey , the mounts likely to loose its clean lines. Maybe use Sitech type controllers as these are already included in Skysafari? Could save a lot of software design?
  19. If the Altair eyepiece holder unscrews then you can measure the diameter and pitch of the threads to see if Baader have a corresponding fitting ( measure width of 5 or 10 threads then divide measurement by number of threads, if you don't have screw pitch gauges)
  20. Where I saw a difference Alan was over the width as my fracs can now hit the tripod (i have solved this now). But will it matter with your shiny new pier? @parallaxerr Looking very nice, i hope you enjoy the mount as much as the rest of us seem to be 👍
  21. 2 aluminium discs, 100mm OD, 20mm thick - hope to find time at the weekend to do some painting as the drilling, tapping and test fitting are done 😀
  22. I have the encoders and Nexus unit, primarily due to being inexperienced and wanting the additional help in finding things. Have only used the nexus with a phone so far, so tend to agree with Stu and John that a Nexus 2 would have been the way to go originally. I would at least get the mount fitted with encoders to either save having to strip it down or return it to have them fitted later 👍
  23. There may be trouble questions ahead: Maxbright II bino from Aunt Flo
  24. Just suspend things on strings from the line
  25. If you have a washing line outside, thats perfect for hanging things from - was doing this earlier as a altair pier adaptor turned black It also saves carpets and doesn't stink the house out
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