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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Nice report, Abe. I love reading other astronomers' observing experiences. That picture really sets the mood! The joy of looking at the nighttime sky is incredible; you really feel like you're part of everything you see. A truly cosmic experience! I have three scopes for my nocturnal adventures: the Orion 180mm SkyView Pro & 127mm StarMax Maksutovs and the Orion 150mm Astroview reflector. Sometimes, I have all three scopes out, like now, with two major planets visible and tons of Milky Way residents, my bases are covered, lol! You have much more fun ahead with your Skyliner. Can't wait to hear more of your reports! Congratulations! Cheers, Reggie
  2. Wonderful clarity. Great photo!
  3. From the album: Starchasing

    Here is a frame from a space video I shot of Jupiter with Io in transit using the Orion Electronic Imager through my Orion SkyView Pro 180mm Mak.
  4. From the album: Starchasing

    Saturn (top), Antares (left) and Mars (right) make a stunning triangular conjunction
  5. From the album: Starchasing

    First attempt at imaging M57 using an entry-level deep space camera (Orion StarShoot Deep Space Video Camera II). Noisy image but I got the ring with color!
  6. From the album: Starchasing

    Can you tell the difference between Mars and Antares?
  7. From the album: Starchasing

    Beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. Venus is the brighter of the two celestial objects.
  8. From the album: Starchasing

    Beautiful conjunction of Mars (top), the waxing crescent moon (bottom left) and Venus (bottom right)
  9. From the album: Starchasing

    Mt first attempt at imaging M31, the Andromeda Galaxy at prime focus using my Nikon D-50 and my Orion 127mm Mak. You can see a few dust lanes in there!
  10. From the album: Starchasing

    The Great Rift region in Cygnus
  11. From the album: Starchasing

    The elusive Lunar X and V on the first quarter moon
  12. From the album: Starchasing

    Beautiful Sagittarius region toward the center of our galaxy
  13. A hot bed of star formation, right before our eyes! Clear skies, Reggie
  14. Very nice, especially under high LP conditions One of my favorite diffuse nebulae! Reggie
  15. Hey SB! Here's the link to the video I posted of the occultation:


  16. The moon just occulted Aldebaran!

    1. HiloDon


      Hi Reggie,

      I saw that was going to happen tonight.  I think we're a bit late on it.  Any pictures?

      BTW, I think they're going to play the Halloween video on Saturday at the VIS banquet.

      Hope all is well with you.


    2. orion25


      Hey, Don. Everything is great. I shot some video of the occultation that I'm going to post. I was up until 2:40 a.m.! That's great about the VIS banquet; I'm going to make it a Halloween ritual to show my friends our video. I had shared it with some of the local astronomers; they were really impressed. Plus, we just got some nice upgrades on the local observatory and planetarium. I'm stoked! :happy7:


      Hope you're doing well, too,


    3. stepping beyond

      stepping beyond

      I'm looking forward to seeing the videos , moon is up during the daytime here in states. No moon at night , man I wish my dsi would work perfect for imaging those really faint fuzzies. SB

  17. Out hunting Perseids this morning! Just came inside for a moment to post. My first was a bright one with a long trail in the western sky, streaking in an almost perfect line from north (just under Ursa Major) to south (under Boötes). Stellar! Hope everyone gets an opportunity to see some. Peace out :headbang:

    1. Knighty2112


      Glad you got some clear skies to observe them. Clouded out again last night, but hoping for a clear spell tonight. :) 

    2. orion25


      I'm sending you some clear skies, Knighty :happy7:

    3. Knighty2112


      Thanks Orion! Much appreciated! :) 

  18. orion25

    M13 - spring 2016

    Beautiful. One of my favorite globulars
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