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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Isn't it exciting? Great first shot! Saturn will reach opposition in June and Mars will put on its best show in 15 years in July. Beware, astrophotography can be addictive Reggie
  2. Venus and Uranus will be in conjunction, less than 4' apart, close enough to fit within a low power telescopic view. It will be a challenge to see Uranus at magnitude 5.9 in the evening twilight. Use Venus as your guide. A great astrophotography event!
  3. Thanks, Peter. I love these colorful pairs! Albireo is in good company, lol! Regards, Reggie
  4. I had posted this earlier in the imaging forum and thought it might fit here as well. Thanks to cotterless45 for bringing Iota Cancri to my awareness: Here is a composite of the "real" Albireo (Cygnus), 145 G Canis Majoris (the other Winter Albireo), Almach (Andromeda), and Iota Cancri: Enjoy, Reggie
  5. From the album: Starchasing

    A pic of me in my Cherokee eclipse shirt holding my little frog drum anticipating the Great American Eclipse
  6. From the album: Starchasing

    Noctilucent cloud in the upper right, above the beautiful purple stratus.
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