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Posts posted by silios

  1. On 15/9/2016 at 21:29, terryb said:

    Hi, I recently found your project, and have tried with the uln board with the 28byj motor. I'd like to use the easy driver, so is there still a sketch?


    I am using the script as is with the big easy driver only change are

    The wiring is http://www.schmalzhaus.com/EasyDriver/Examples/EasyDriverExamples.html Example1: Basic arduino setup, plus a temp sensor

  2. Got back after almost a years break from anything to do with astronomy, due to work, and wanted to update the focuser with the latest arduino file.
    It all went great and just wanted to thank you Dave (and everyone else involved of course ) for the awesome project!

    This build combined with big easy driver and a NEMA17 42BYGHM809 is a BEAST, I am moving a 4.5kg weight attached to a steeltrack focuser as I am writing this post :D

    The only things I had to touch was the following in case anyone out there tries to make the combination :


    #define MOTOR_STEPS_PER_DRIVER_STEP     16                 // Motor steps per Ascom movement Unit (old method = 8)
    #define MOTOR_SPEED_DEFAULT             100             // Default motor step speed (uS)(failsafe operation)
    #define MOTOR_SPEED_LO                  100             // Motor step delay for Lo speed (uS)
    #define MOTOR_SPEED_HI                  25              // Motor step delay for Hi speed (uS)
    #define MOTOR_SPEED_THRESHOLD           10               // motor speed Hi if steps to go is higher than this

    Hope the weather allows to test on the field once again soon :p

    • Like 1
  3. Just got UNO board today and try to test the sketch. I could upload 2.2 nano sketch and my modified UNO sketch, but both failed when I open ASCOM driver.

    What could be the reason?

    Good morning :)

    You need to create the directories c:\trace\AAF2 by hand in your c driver and rerun to test.

    • Like 1
  4. You need to get to 250 posts before you can edit your own posts - keep posting :grin:

    omg! that will take awhile :)

    I found the code section in SF!

    Indeed it seems that on  http://sourceforge.net/p/arduinoascomfocuser/code/HEAD/tree/Ascom_Driver/AAF/AAF2/AAF2.cs

    on line 157

    Instead of

     return Double.Parse(p); 

    we could try

    return Double.Parse(p, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

    Should (might :-) ) return the temp as a double but with respect to the users locale specified decimal point,according to MSDN.

    Unfortunately i don't have any experience with C# or how - where to compile anything with it.

    Might start reading about it in the morning but that will also take awhile :)

    I would be happy to beta test if you need me to.

  5. To confirm the headaches proble the hint code should be :

    using System.Globalization;string t = tempFromArdu;string localeAwareTempVal = t.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);

    It seems i cannot edit my posts (yet)?

  6. Just noticed that there isn't source files for the driver in SF.

    But maybe this can be of help

    using System.Globalization;temp t = tempFromArdu;string localeAwareTempVal = t.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);

    C# gives me headaches  :eek: 

  7. I'm not sure the arduino is aware of its locale. It might be possible to change the dot to a comma in the driver as it will be able to access the language/locale settings from the PC. I'll look into it next time I do some work on the driver.


    What programming language is the driver written in?

  8. Some pictures of the finished product!

    DIY Focuser 1

    DIY Focuser 2

    DIY Focuser 3

    A note in case someone search for it in the future.

    In countries where a comma "," is used to mark the radix point such as Greece, the temperature from the sensor gets translated to ludicrous amount of heat in some software (2350c temp reading when the sensor reoprts 23.5c)

    The solution is to change in the regional settings the decimal point :grin:
    • Like 1
  9. i use to have the exact same problem with a custom shutter release i made for DSLR. every other time i was getting device not found for some random device ( mount,guiding camera, canon 350D digic,remote shutter ) what shorted it out in the end was a quality powered usb hub. i verified it with the multimeter as well. also before buying anything i would test a shorter usb cable. I think theres os quite big voltage drop in 5m one.

  10. Hello all :D

    I bit the bullet and built the focuser as well! There will be pictures of course :-)

    So I wanted to thanks each and everyone for contributing on this thread. Special props for the ASCOM driver to tekkydave.

    I' m using a NEMA17 motor and have modified the source code per suggestion.

    On the bench it looks like working successfully but on accuracy will need to look on the field to be sure! The gear speeds must be a messed mixed up since i got the gears suggested on SF with a 400step motor :-)

    I do have a question though : 

    When we initialize the focuser, must it be ,already,  on a very close to focus position?

    And do I need to adjust that initial position number in the ascom popup or it doesn't matter that much?

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