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Posts posted by procky1845

  1. Mars observed under good seeing last night with my Sky-watcher 200p.

    The view was fantastic last night, probably the best I've seen Mars to date.

    South is Up, Preceding Left.




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  2. @BiggarDigger thanks for the report.

    I also have an 8" dob and have been considering for a couple of years if I should be upgrading to something bigger.

    The thing that puts me off is that I remember somebody once said to me at my local astro society when I was just getting started that they had upgraded to a bigger dob and regretted it because under light pollution the background sky was so much brighter and made the overall view a bit washed out. As somebody who primarily observes from my light polluted back garden this is obviously a concern.

    What is your opinion on this? Presumably the DSO's also in turn get brighter due to the extra aperture but I've never been brave enough to take the plunge as I love my 8" and don't want to ultimately regret it!

    Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!



  3. You are correct @mikeDnight. Don't have my notes to hand but think CM was about 71° from memory.

    I did glimpse the little fingers extending from Solis Lacus but only once and wasn't long enough for me to sketch them annoyingly.

    Seeing was varying wildly all the time which made it quite hard work. Might just have been more apparent because I was using the dob that night and tend to use my smaller mak mostly for planetary.


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  4. Thanks Mike.

    I usually record time in BST in my logbook, no other reason other than that's what I've always done.

    I took the CM from SkySafari which I think was actually 174.x but rounded to 175 because it was close. I do have the BAA handbook actually but for some reason have never used it for Mars CM!

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  5. I also have a Skymax 127. I have most of the BST Starguider range which I bought over time to use with my dob. I have had good success with these with the SM127 as well.

    However, I have recently purchased the Hyperflex Zoom and am finding that I only really now tend to take the 25mm BST and the Hyperflex Zoom, and that covers pretty much everything I need for planetary.

    The zoom is awesome for dialing in the right magnification for the conditions. Previously I found that I was having to revert to a lower mag than really should have been possible just because the next step up in magnification was a bit too high with the fixed FL EPs.


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  6. 32 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

    Another excellent observation Lee. I'm somewhat reassured that I'm not the only one seeing martian canals.I think the one you've drawn extending from Margaretifer northwards is called Indus. :thumbsup:

    I'm really pleased you said that, I've been looking at that thinking I must've not seen it correctly. It was the part of the sketch that was casting doubt in my mind as I couldn't see anything obvious from the maps I looked at.

  7. 10 hours ago, SiriusB said:

    Good sketches Lee.

    Found M71 by accident a couple of nights ago in 150mm. Not The 1st time ever, but  certainlynot seen for a while as i had to consult 'Nortons' to determine what i had seen..

    A somewhat underated globular? To me it looks more like an open cluster than a globular  @ the eyepiece? ~loose.

    Worth a look anway.

    Yes I agree, it does look a bit more like an Open Cluster. Maybe looks like an open cluster with a bit of nebulosity thrown in for good measure as there is that faint background glow. It looks very un-globular to me either way, I quite like it for that fact.

    Looking back at my observing notes I have definitely observed it in the past, but it really stood out to me more than I remember it doing previously as quite odd looking when I observed it and made the sketch.

    I was reading up about M71 in Stephen O'Meara's "Deep Sky Companions: The Messier Objects" (as an aside, one of my favourite series of books!) and apparently for some time it was debated as to whether it was in fact a globular or an open cluster so we are not the first (by a long shot) to have this conversation. :) 


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  8. 2 hours ago, MimasDeathStar said:

    Great M27, could instantly relate to that view. M71 is one of my favourites weirdly, Took a long time to track it down in my old 70mm refractor - but its really handily placed so I knew exactly where it was. Its dead easy in my 6" now though - almost takes some of the fun out of it! M97 is my new fabled unicorn!

    Thank you.

    Yes, I often find M97 to be suprisingly difficult also. Much more so than I would expect it to be.


  9. Ok, found the below on the web which is a picture from 1987 which has been updated to include the 2020 position which seems to tie in. I make the 3 bright stars top right (I've highlighted blue) to be the "nose" of the triangular pattern in my sketch (if you turn it nearly upside down as I have done below so N is more or less oriented the same way, its actually a rotated a little too far). So this indicates that the position I have Barnard's Star at coincides quite closely with where it is in this picture. It also shows that there is in fact another triangular asterism which isn't shown on my version of Sky Safari (possibly too faint?) I've highlighted the star at the corner of this in orange for comparison.



  10. 18 minutes ago, Stu said:

    This chart indicates you were right. Position is for 2018 but I don’t think it will have moved so far from there in 2 years?



    Stu, I think you are correct (which is great because it also means so am I! :) ).

    Thanks very much for your help with this. I do seem to remember the star in question having a slightly red hue as well which does tie in as I believe Barnard's Star is a red dwarf.

    Thanks again!



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