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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Clouds were a problem today. Give it a click or 3 for full res.
  2. Not too unhappy with this as it starts a bit close to the unfriendly streetlamp and just clears the garage roof, I don't think i will bother again though. 16 x 300s ea RGB 12 x 300secs L 14 x 600secs L
  3. I got some CLR via Amazon at the time and it worked for abour a week.
  4. Not sure mine was still in warranty but it was free. But even if you have to pay they will not break the bank https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/hydrogen-alpha/lunt-replacement-parts/blue-glass-for-lunt-blocking-filters/
  5. Just for info on the Lunt site https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/hydrogen-alpha/lunt-replacement-parts/blue-glass-for-lunt-blocking-filters/ Not exactly expensive if you have to buy one.
  6. I got mine FOC last year. It did make a difference.
  7. Lunt 60mm Chameleon cam seeing was a bit fast today.
  8. 3 evenings worth of data so far 26x 600 L 21 x 300L 36 Ea x 300 RGB all binned 2x2 Not sure if I will give it bit of Ha . Taken with the 200mm RC and the QSI ccd give it a click for full res
  9. Does anybody know the spacer distance for the original field flattener (not the reducer /flattener) please TIA Steve
  10. Thanks , its was the last of the hedgerow I missed yesterday.
  11. My solar scope gets more use than the others i have.
  12. A battle with the high cloud today. Give it a click or 3 for full res. There it was -gone
  13. Thanks. Just a bit of PS jiggery pokery, it does set off the proms quite nicely I think.
  14. 60mm Lunt with Coronado Rich Tuner, Chameleon cam Stacked 300 of 1500 in AS3 sharpened in imppg and prodded and poked in PS Used plastic bag flat field again in firecapture Give them a click or 3 for full res Proms 13-42 proms 13-42 proms 15-42
  15. Another afternoon of tweaking the kit to try and get rid of the uneven llumination and the NR's, this time using flat fields. Seems much better than the 11th 60mm Lunt with Coronado Rich Tuner, Chameleon cam Stacked in AS3 sharpened in imppg and prodded and poked in PS
  16. LOL I knew I had forgotten something.
  17. Another day of tweaking the kit to try and get rid of the uneven llumination and the NR's, this time using flat fields. Jury is still out on this, the image seems more even but the sharpeness of focus seems to be off a bit. 60mm Lunt with Coronado Rich Tuner, Chameleon cam Stacked in AS3 shapened in imppg and prodded and poked in PS proms 16-25 proms 15-30
  18. 200mm RC and chameleon cam I did 30 sers in a batch of 5 for each filter of about 20k frames and stacked 45%. I then stacked these 30 tiffs into IR and UV and a IR/UV for the green.
  19. 13 x300 ea RGB with the QSI and Toscano RC give it a click or 3 for full res
  20. A day of tweaking the kit to try and get rid of the uneven llumination and the NR's. 60mm Lunt with Coronado Rich Tuner, Chameleon cam Stacked in AS3 sharpened in imppg and prodded and poked in PS
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