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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Thanks for that bit of info. I will try it tomorrow. I get an error saying chip temp not detected.
  2. 51 frames stacked Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Cak with ED 80 Lunt reducer and chameleon cam WL Lacerta Herschel Wedge do the clicky thing for full res.
  3. And yes it conned me, set up not seen sun since and just been running round to pack up as the thunder started rumbling and spotting with big raindrops.
  4. Nice shots David. It keeps brightening up here just to keep me interested.
  5. I have been trying tonight to get my old H9 to connect to NINA with no luck.
  6. Thanks David. It was a bit of a long session for so few sers and frames today.
  7. 51 frames Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam do the clicky thing for full res.
  8. Which camera are you using - some are more prone to NR's than others. Try cutting back to 20 to 50 frames for flats I have very mixed results using flats. Cut down the AVI or SER capture to 30 to 45 secs and stack less frames., I use between 51 and 350 for a stack. For time lapse I have done 10/15 secs capture every 1-2 min using a stack of 50 frames in the past but it did involve some tweaking to line up to produce the final result. I have a tilter in place for NR but remember every tweak you make tends to alter something else.
  9. My Chameleon delivers 56fps at full frame size at about 18ms double stack and 3ms single stack. I have installed a PCIe SSD as I got buffering over 20 secs of capture. I have stacked small number of frames ie 51 on my last image and got a resonable image, I am starting believe with solar we tend to try and stack too many. For planetary I can get over 160fps with ROI.
  10. I dont remember that, but remember having the short straw and having to go round and collect the cooling waters and effluent waters in the middle of winter. The bug plant was IIRC the furthest away from the lab and kept the YWA fairly happy with our discharges. Also the blood tests every 6 and then 3 months for the nasties like benzene.
  11. When i was lad in my first job out of school, woking in the lab at a coke oven plant some of you might of heard of -Orgreave (Choke and Chemicals as it was commonly known) we had to measure something in grains /hundred cubic feet as that was what the old tables listed. Thing is we could not get gas meters that measured in cubic feet and the tests were done in SI units and instead of converting the tables we had to convert the result.
  12. Nicely done. I fell for the afternoon sucker hole yesterday and left the kit out and manged to grab some data in the evening. Don't think i will get anything today.
  13. I have the Lacerta and I find it good as an imager , if fact i managed to get the spot last night with the ED80. I must say I'm a bit out of practice with WL. I have not had a chance to compare with any others . What I do know is with the 2" version you need a goooooood bit of back focus.
  14. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Cak with ED 80 Lunt reducer and chameleon cam WL Lacerta Herschel Wedge do the clicky thing for full res.
  15. I will be reprocessing this from scratch when I get in the mood.
  16. Thanks Martin. I can't see it now as its under the same conditions as when i processed it.
  17. Note to self do not process in brightdaylight. Not had any astro dark for nearly a month now.
  18. Well I am somewhat dissappointed in what looked a decent image this afternoon now has a rather horrible gradient and the background is blotchy.
  19. Taken over 3 nights 24,25 & 26th May 2020. 106 x 300 1x1 L with the WO132 & SX 694 21 x 300 1x1 L with Tak 102 & QSI 20 x 300 2x2 R with Tak 102 & QSI 15 x 300 2x2 G with Tak 102 & QSI 20 x 300 2x2 B with Tak 102 & QSI Do the clicky thing for full res.
  20. Us Haers also like a good spot to look at.🌞🌞
  21. Ordered 2 adaptors at the weekend arrived this morning, one of which was used this afternoon. Thanks FLO
  22. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Ed 80 reduced & Lunt 600 Cak bf do the clicky thing for full res.
  23. Thanks to Daz for reminding me I still don't do the moon. Vixen 80/990 with chameleon cam Do the clicky thing for full res.
  24. I noticed a bit of action on one of the proms.
  25. Thanks Dave. It was a late start and I was doing venus as well as some other stuff that I will put up in a bit in another post.
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