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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Not for long and the seeing was on and off, I set up and then had to wait an hour for the next clear patch.
  2. Imaging telescopes or lenses:Lunt LS60THa/B1200 Imaging cameras:Flir Chameleon 3 Mounts:Vixen GP DX Software:AutoStakkert! AS3 , IMPPG , Photoshop CS4 , Firecapture Filters:Coronado SM60 double Stack Time: 15:12 Frames: 200 Do the clicky thing for full res.
  3. Thanks for your likes and kind comments.
  4. Just been fiddling about with Winjupos again
  5. Transfered more data across from the PC I use for solar and planetary use and stacked a few of them up and combined 5 stacks into Winjupos Imaging telescopes or lenses:Ceslestron C11 Imaging cameras:ZWO 178 MC Mounts:NEQ-6 Pro Software:WinJUPOS , AutoStakkert! AS3 , Registax6 , Photoshop CS4 , Firecapture Accessory:TeleVue Powermate 2.5x
  6. Imaging telescopes or lenses:Lunt LS60THa/B1200 Imaging cameras:Flir Chameleon 3 SW80 with reducer for Cak Mounts:Vixen GP DX Software:AutoStakkert! AS3 , IMPPG , Photoshop CS4 , Firecapture Filters:Coronado SM60 double Stack Give it a click or 3 for full res.
  7. Yes thanks, hope you are the same.
  8. Thanks Graham. Long time since we met up.
  9. Tak 102 QSI LRGB 2 x 600secs each WO 132 SX694 Ha baader 7n 6 x 1200secs no cali frames were used in the making of this image might need a click or 3 for full res.
  10. Thanks Tom. It certainly is.
  11. Thanks Bryan. I don't think the ADC helps much at that elevation TBH. Similar sort of time frames here as well.
  12. Thanks Dave. And yes I know that feeling.
  13. ZWO C11 x 2.5 pm no ADC this time
  14. Been capturing some data tonight on mars and I a hopeful of decent results but the seeing went mushy about an hour ago and I came in fora brew and had another look a few mins ago and decided it was time to pack away.
  15. Sometimes I can get on with mine and other times not. I think it is a case of me not relaxing or not quite having the correct interpupil distance.
  16. Imaging telescopes or lenses:Sky-Watcher 80 ED pro , Lunt LS60THa/B1200 Imaging cameras:Point Grey Research BlackFly 2.3 MP , Flir Chameleon 3 Mounts:NEQ-6 Pro Filters:Lunt Solar Systems Lunt CaK BF600 200 of 1000 frames stacked Give it a click or 3 for full res.
  17. I got this one the other week and it works with my Flir cam https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lindy-USB-3-0-Cable-Type-A-Male-to-Micro-B-Male-in-Black-0-5m-1m-2m-3m/372381092531?var=641200749488&hash=item56b3a48ab3:g:XWEAAOSw5V1bWFix
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