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Everything posted by Abell1644

  1. until
    We are very pleased to present the winners of the first edition of Photo Nightscape Awards. http://youtu.be/xasUSVaXovM More than 100 photographers from around the world sent their picture. The jury 'Pro' and 'Hope' chaired by Miguel Claro, 'Junior' chaired by Olivier Las Vergnas, deliberated to reward two authors by category and nominated…. Congratulations to Jean-Marc Lecleire and Tatio Geysers, 1st prize 'Pro', Tommy Eliassen 2nd prize 'Pro', Mohammad Taha Ghouchkanlu and baobabs, 1st prize ‘Espoir' Pascal Colas 2nd prize ‘Espoir', Jérémy Gachon, 1st prize ‘9-12’, Louis-Hadrien Gros 2nd ‘9-12’, Justin Galant, 1st prize ’13-17’ and Tess Gautier, 2nd prize ’13-17. Thank you to all the members of the jury for their availability. Also thank you to all our partners without whom the PNA would not have existed: ESO, Nikon, Picto, Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve, AIP, Chandra X-ray, Medes, The Ministry of Culture and Communication. Get ready for PNA 2015! Photo Nightscape Awards - Earth to Sublime the Sky!
  2. until
    Photo Nightscape Awards - PNA - is the first award in France concerning Nightscape Photography. It's totaly free. You have until August 31st to send one picture! See contest : www.cieletespacephotos.fr/PNA
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