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Everything posted by SteelRat

  1. Sky at Night on BBC1 late tonight
  2. Moon is at first quarter phase.
  3. Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (pm)
  4. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon
  5. Perseid meteor shower ends
  6. S.Delta Aquarid meteor shower ends
  7. Neptune reaches opposition in the constellation Capricornus
  8. Jupiter reaches opposition in the constellation Capricornus
  9. Moon reaches last quarter phase this evening.
  10. Perseid meteor shower at maximum (ZHR80)
  11. Penumbral lunar eclipse tonight (visible from UK)
  12. SteelRat

    Full Moon

    Full Moon
  13. Moon rises just to the north of Jupiter tonight, with Neptune nearby.
  14. Moon Occults 29 Cap early this morning
  15. Moon Occults 48b Sco tonight
  16. Moon Occults Pi Scorpius (Iclil) this evening
  17. Moon Occults 50g Lib this evening
  18. Last nights Sky at Night prog repeated on BBC4 this evening
  19. Sky at Night on BBC1 late tonight
  20. Moon is at first quarter phase.
  21. S.Delta Aquarids Maximum (ZHR20)
  22. Perseids meteor shower starts.
  23. Total Solar eclipse 2:35amUT (not visible from UK)
  24. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon
  25. Moon rises just to the north of Venus early this morning
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