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Everything posted by SteelRat

  1. Pluto reaches opposition in NW of Sagitarius
  2. Moon rises north of Venus and Mars this morning.
  3. Summer Solstice
  4. Conjunction: Venus and far distant Mars (am)
  5. Moon is still close to Jupiter and Neptune as they rise this morning shortly before 1am, having been at closest conjunction below the UK horizon on the 13th at around teatime.
  6. Mercury Greatest Western Elongation (am)
  7. Moon is at first quarter phase.
  8. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon this evening.
  9. Moon reaches last quarter phase this evening.
  10. SteelRat

    Full Moon

    Moon is full early this evening.
  11. Venus at Gleatest Westeren Elongation (am)
  12. Happy Birthday Stargazers Lounge! :cool:
  13. The Sky at Night is on BBC1 tonight @ 0125 Repeated Monday evening on BBC4 @ 1900
  14. SteelRat

    Full Moon

    Full Moon
  15. Moon Occults Khi Tau tonight at around 22.54hrs
  16. Moon Occults 161B Aries this evening at around 19.26hrs
  17. Venus at inferior conjunction
  18. SteelRat

    New Moon

    New Moon
  19. Moon - Last Quarter
  20. Moon - First Quarter
  21. Ceres reaches opposition in the constellation of Leo
  22. Moon and Venus are close together this evening.
  23. After occulting the Pleiades during lunchtime, the moon is still very close by the cluster this evening.
  24. Saturn reaches opposition in the constellation of Leo
  25. The Moon and Saturn appear close tonight
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