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Everything posted by laudropb

  1. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  2. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  3. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  4. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  5. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  6. Hello and a warm welcome to The SGL
  7. You have caught the Earthshine very well. Lovely photo
  8. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  9. Hi Aljouri and a warm welcome to the SGL. At first you should just stick with the 25 and 9mm eyepieces supplied with your scope. The 25 mm will be quite satisfactory, the 9 mm not so good but usable . Learn how to use your scope and current eps. Then you will be better able to decide which others would improve your observing. As to makes of eye pieces these vary greatly in price and to get advice you will have to give an idea of your budget. Hope this helps.
  10. Very nice work Mike. Unfortunately I have been clouded out the last few nights. I was finding the #47 and #80A were giving the most detail. I have yet to try a red filter but you sketch looks promising.
  11. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  12. Hello ad a warm welcome to the SGL
  13. I have had a few more sessions with the filters and I do believe that they do help to bring out some subtle cloud detail. I enjoyed reading the article on Venus in the latest BAA journal, especially seeing Paul Abel’s sketches.
  14. Yes. The biggest cause of infantile death in India was Rotavirus. At that time it could only be detected using EM. I was in charge of the EM unit at the Regional Virus lab in Glasgow and was asked to help set up a unit .
  15. Very nice report and some lovely photos Jeremy. Brought back some happy memories. I was in India for 2 months 35years ago helping to set up an Electron Microscope unit for the WHO. I was more interested in birdwatching in those days, but Ido remember the amazing night skies I seen when at the hill stations.
  16. I have this on order too. Cost£64.99 . Something to read while socially isolated lol
  17. Sensible precautions. I hope you all evade this infection.
  18. Hi Neil . I have recently been experimenting with colour filters viewing Venus with my 120 ED refractor. I bought a few Wratten filters hoping to use them on Mars later in the year. Previously I had tried rather cheap coloured filters and was not impressed. Why try again ? Well every book or article I have read on planetary observation recommends their use. I felt there just had to be something to it. So far in the few sessions I have had with Venus I have been gradually becoming more impressed with the views given. The #15 yellow has showed subtle improvements in detecting some cloud detail. The #47 violet gives a very dark image but again I feel there is some advantage for cloud detection. Its early days yet, but I am hopeful that using the filters will help in seeing some of the more subtle features on the planets.
  19. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  20. I do not have any experience with the 120 evo, but it is a long focal length and weighs over 5 kg and I think this would be too much for your AZ5.
  21. Hello and a warm welcome to the SLG. The ED 72 is a very nice scope and works well on a AZ 5 mount. You can buy a 2 inch diagonal that has an adapter which will allow you to use your 1.25 eps. It gives very nice wide field views with pin sharp stars. As for DSOs the small aperture does have it’s limits, but the quality of your skies will be the main limiting factor.
  22. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  23. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
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