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Everything posted by cuivenion

  1. Having just bought one these I've been reading up a little and I've just come across this. Does this mean you can't calibrate flat frames properly due to this 'internal calibration', as they need bias or dark flats. Is seems that calibration of any sort is going to be tricky if this is happening.
  2. It's nice that this software is being developed for Mac first. I don't know of any other Mac EAA tools out there.
  3. Hi Olly. So if stack a set of subs from one night, get an image and then stack images from a different night and get an image; if I stack the two produced images is that stacking the stacks?
  4. Hi mods, I know this thread is a few months old but it has some excellent info for planetary observers and imagers. Would it be possible to make it sticky?
  5. Yeah, it just seems long winded. It seems weird that there isn't a place that sells spare parts like this. ho hum.
  6. Well Optical Vision won't have any in for 4-5 months. Does anyone know of any alternatives?
  7. No they seem pretty comprehensive, thanks again. Looks like I'll be trying my luck with Uranus for the next few years.
  8. Tried them I'm afraid. I'll keep checking though, it's the sort of thing they sometimes have.
  9. Ah I see, I've contacted them already, just wondering if there was anywhere else in case that falls through.
  10. It was second hand unfortunately. I've had it a while now.
  11. Hi, one of the pointed plastic feet on my EQ5 tripod has cracked and fallen off. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement, and what glue to use to put it on? I've tried Astroboot but there doesn't seem to be anything on there at the moment.
  12. Thanks, had a look through couldn't find the info. Interesting page though, I'll have to give it a proper read.
  13. Hi, my google fu's letting me down. I'm looking for a list that gives the planets (Mars to Neptune) maximum altitudes from the UK for the next 10 years or so. Cheers for any help.
  14. Yeah you have to compile it yourself at the mo. Good luck!
  15. Download the gimp-2.9.4.tar.bz2 file and open with 7zip or similar. Then open the .tar file with the same; that will give you a 2.9.4 folder. I think this is the Windows version, there's no installer that I can see so I think you have to compile it yourself. I unfortunately don't know how to do that.
  16. 16 bit is on the way. It's implemented in 2.9.4 beta: https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.9/
  17. Great image, and nice mods!
  18. Is this the Star Discovery mount? I was wondering if this would take my F5 200p
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