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  1. Approximately 4 years ago I started a thread about my building a gem mount. I got the bottom half build for the prototype and was working on the stepper motors with a worm gear. I am now working at home because of the virus. KI was using the parallax propeller 1 chip for the micro controller. I am now with propeller 2 wow you cannot believe how much power it has. Please look at it. Since I now have a lot of down time. I am going to finish the ptrototype based on the unit built by this nice gentleman who sent me his schematics: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=diy+gem+mount&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0gU_2ZevA30 he was so nice to send me the drawings that I lost but I am following the idea. If he can see this please re send me the drawings. thank you. I will be posting the code as I am devellping the code in c++ and assmbly language. I am going to finish the prototype to build it and the resart and fix the minor issues and rebuild it. Thanks fir yiyr tune abd geko
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