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Kokatha man

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Everything posted by Kokatha man

  1. ...not quite sure whether you are referring to the so-called "blades" or "flakes" the appear to peel off the GRS itself - or one of the other phenomena Stu..? In any case the most recent Jovian images we have are from July 15th where the GRS is not on show. Perhaps the aspect you mention is on one of our earlier images - apart from these at the top of the page they nearly all feature the GRS in descending date order for 2019: https://momilika.net/WebPages/Jupiter2019Pics.htm
  2. Thanks very much for the compliments people! Yes, James is correct, about halfway between Adelaide & Melbourne: we often image at a tiny place called Carrieton which is near the Flinders Ranges & almost the same distance from our place, so not really any difference there...a 7 hour drive roughly. Our prime imaging locations are at home when the weather permits, 200km away in the Murray Mallee usually at Sedan...or the 400km trip to Carrieton etc, with another couple of locations thrown in for variety at times! In fact we were up at Hawker last week, another 70km further on than Carrieton...the first time in ages where the GRS hasn't been on display for us..! Natimuk did really turn on the seeing while we were there, beautiful country also - & did quite a lot of driving & walking around the district too! This time of the year if it is cloudy & we're away, a nice roaring campfire is a good alternative.
  3. Hi Neil, yes, the C14 & either the ASI290MM mono camera + EFW - or when clouds are a threat (constantly this year & in these images in particular) the ASI224MC colour camera. Thanks also Stu! Here's an animation from the June 20th data.
  4. Too large in file-sizing to post all images in a single post...here are the individual rgb's with their accompanying individual channels...of the 4 nights the 23rd was the poorest but still quite acceptable. Some nice blue channels reflecting the seeing btw.
  5. Hi all - checking in for the first time in ages...seems I last posted images on April 4th this year although I have made the odd comment in other folks' threads in the meantime: plenty of images since then, too many to post here tbh but I thought it worthwhile to concentrate upon those we obtained over 4 nights in late June at Natimuk in the west Wimmera region of Victoria...a quick (400km) trip there at the time because the GFS predicted a hole in the wall-to-wall carpet of clouds engulfing South Australia at the time. (not much has changed since, being honest! ) Anyway, the forecast were correct & here they are...I wont include the full-sized images but I will post the 4 rgb images together & then each with its corresponding individual channels - they'll all probably need clicking on anyway - also an enlargement of the GRS where so much activity as been occurring over the last few months...
  6. A good effort, especially considering elevation & aperture Steve! Nicely processed also!
  7. Hi Stuart - can you give me an idea of how field rotation influences your images using the alt/az mount...ie, I presume normal stacking is not a problem but perhaps WinJupos requires re-aligning different sets of images due to the FR..?

    Any insights would be appreciated! ;)

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this so I'll see if I can PM you also... :)

    1. Freddie


      Hi, sure Stuart won't mind me jumping in as I can confirm that using my CPC field rotation makes no difference as Winjupos takes care of the rotation of the individual stacks of each colour. I don't ever use the auto align (only available on Jup anyway) so a couple of key touches and it aligns on the slightly off set rotation.

      Hope that helps.


  8. You folks are nothing if not persistent..! I'll admit I thought about this with a planetary camera where the area is much smaller...but this was with the latest colour cam & after some research re the need to remove the micro-lenses as well as CFA decided it was too damaging a project with more downsides than upsides...even if the camera was free! Personally I can't see the benefit of using up a dozen or more cams even if they are only $30-$40 each because that adds up to more than a good mono camera...not that I think their is any current mono better than the ASI224MC for planetary imaging... But I started reading & after a few pages realised that there are currently 91 pages to this thread..!!! So I skipped to this last page...sensors dying constantly...dangerous projectiles penetrating eyes (that sound stupid, I'm sorry to say!)...& I'm still none-the-wiser as to if anyone has made a successful conversion where a significant area of the sensor is now operating in mono mode & tests (both using a light screen & of astro-targets) have shown tangible benefits...don't think I want to wade through another 80-odd pages in case I missed this vital piece of information, so if anyone could inform me or point to the relevant posts I'd be grateful..! "Onwards & upwards" I say...except on this I'll definitely pass..! Visit my website http://momilika.net/
  9. Well done John! You've caught the polar brightening as well as some banding - a very good outcome! I've presumed the time & date you gave are UT's & with this & the rough orientation I've given the WinJupos simulation means that the 2 moons I've brought out in your image are Ariel at 7 0'clock & Umbriel about 3 o'clock. (no Titan with Uranus! )
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