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  • Interests
    Green woodwork and pole lathe turning (pro), astronomy, family, food, friends, booze, cats & dogs & stuff.
  • Location
    West Dorset, England

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  1. Going to take some time off of the Gazers lounge. I've realised that I spend more time typing than staring. See you all in the Autumn, when hopefully I might have some actual astronomical input to offer. Best wishes, and clear skies. xx mace.

    1. Mike73


      Take it easy Mace and when you come back don't forget your sketching pencils ;)

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Best wishes, hope to see you back in the Autumn.

    3. ghostdance


      Happy trails Mace :) looking forward to hooking up again in August. You'll be missed!

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