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Posts posted by lil_coz

  1. 5 hours ago, michael8554 said:

    If half are okay then your PA must be okay too.

    If there's a repeating time pattern to the Rejects then it may be Periodic Error.


    That makes sense.... I get the same result whether I use 45s or 2min subs. I'll pay attention to any repeating pattern.

    After a quick Google, there's ways to dial it out, so I'll give that a go too.


  2. 5 hours ago, newbie alert said:

    Can i ask whst scope youre using on it?

    Not a fan of the ASPA method for astrophotography .. it's ok for planetary  but for deepsky id use sharpcap or polemaster for PA if you're a setup tear down kind of guy..

    That's what I use for mine, well I use the sharpcap software with the polemaster camera , you could drift align but even thou it's far more accurate, it does take alot longer to do

    I bring mine down too. The polemaster is on my 'to buy' list, but a bit down the line. I feel like I can get a fairly good polar alignment for my needs at the moment, because I get the same results when I take 2 min exposures. 

    I've got a SkyWatcher 150 on it.

  3. Hi all,

    Hope you're all safe and well.

    Quick question I've got on my mount. I've Got a Celestron CGEM that I've had for 6+ years, and I don't know if it's starting to lose its guiding ability, or if it's me that's not doing something quite right?

    Polar aligning my scope is something I do every time I go out, because I mostly use it for AP. My method is align using 2 start align, plus the extra 4 star align, and then I use Celestron's All Star Align to get polar aligned. I also use a laser crosshair eyepiece through a x2.5 barlow to make sure I've got the stars perfectly centered.

    Last night's example is I was taking 45s subs, and I've had to dump knocking on for half of my subs due to star trails. I'll have about 2 or 3 subs that are pin sharp, and then another 2-3 that have noticeable star trails, then I'll got back to 1 or 2 that are fine and so on throughout the whole 3-4 hour session. 

    Is it something that I'm not doing right? Or has the mount lost its guiding ability?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks in advanced. Clear skies!



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