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Posts posted by groberts

  1. Been wanting to get this for some time, so rigged up my modded Canon 550D with the Nifty Fifty Canon lens and in between breaks in the cloud I was pleased to get this exciting image of Orion and all it's bits. I'd have liked some more integration but in the current weather condtions this was something of a gift as it started snowing towards the end!


    • Canon 550D modded
    • Canon 50mm f1.8 lens
    • AZ-EQ6GT mount - no guiding
    • 42 x 120secs @ ISO 800
    • + full calibration


    Final Orion Constellation 100221.png

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  2. On 04/02/2021 at 16:09, pc387 said:

    From the affinity forum site: iIf you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. Click Get Updates. This should hopefully force the update to show


    Thanks or this, I need to check but I think that is how I purchased it, so will certainly give it a try.  


  3. On 04/02/2021 at 16:09, pc387 said:

    From the affinity forum site: iIf you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. Click Get Updates. This should hopefully force the update to show


    Thanks or this, I need to check but I think that is how I purchased it, so will certainly give it a try.  


  4. On 04/02/2021 at 16:09, pc387 said:

    From the affinity forum site: iIf you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. Click Get Updates. This should hopefully force the update to show


    Thanks or this, I need to check but I think that is how I purchased it, so will certainly give it a try.  


  5. After literally months the clouds briefly relented this week over Surrey and I was able to get a couple of hours of Orion.  Mindful of such imaging limitations in the UK and in the absence of a permanent observatory + inspired by others here on SGL, I purchased a Samyang 135 f2 last year but because of the said conditions it's use has been very limited so far.  For the moment I'm using it with a modded Canon 550D, manual focus and no guiding - I was impressed with a few initial Cygnus images last year but this week put it to work on Orion and am blown away by it's capabalities.

    First, I really enjoy the widefield approach without resorting to mosaics - which would usually be impractical with imaging condtions here - thus producing interesting context of otherwise favourite targets imaged with a telescope.  However, the quality this lens produces is quite extraordinary.  Even though this was something of a 'quick & dirty' session + processing, looking closer at M42 (see cropped version) the detail and colour achieved by this lens far exceeds my expectations.  I hope to match this with my mono CMOS camera & add guiding later this year but for now this little beauty is definately one of my star astronomy purchases.


    Modded Canon 550D

    56 x 120 sec = 1hr 52min

    No guiding

    Processed - PixInsight + Photoshop + Topaz Deniose AI







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  6. In the absence of clear skies for some months, I have obtained subs and calibration frames from another party for processing but wanted to check a couple of points:

    1. There a darks at 25C and 15C - can these be processed together to produce a dark master or should the temperatures be processed separately?
    2. There are Flat_Darks, are these the same as Dark_Flats?  I understand dark flats and have taken them myself at the corresponding time for the respective filter flats, but these are a all at 5sec, much longer exposures than I'd expect.     

    The camera is a QSI683-WSG8.



  7. 8 hours ago, discardedastro said:

    I ran an entry-level iTelescope plan for the last year and a half; I cancelled it this month.

    Practically the exposure-time-vs-cost equation, even doing things like imaging in discounted periods like full moon, didn't stack up for me - I ended up generating a few hours of OIII data for a target I'd collected Ha for locally, but that's about all.

    While having access to telescopes with clear skies is a great theory, in practice it's an expensive way to go I think...

    I was actually thinking of the data plans.  Though not ideal, due to almost constant cloud cover now for months my astronomy hobby has ground to a halt and figured I could at least keep my interest going with such a plan + would provide good quality data of objects I can't see from home using better equipment.


  8. Thanks Julian, much appreciated. 

    I've got the excellent masks from Buckeyestargazer in the USA which has added a little bit of height and makes the original ZWO 4mm M2 screws a bit too short for comfort and reckon 6mm should do the trick.


  9. Just worked out that the 31mm set I purchased in November has now gone up +37% - phew!!!  Whilst they are a highly speficic market which inevitably commands a premium, this is getting silly.

    Furthermore, I've just got round to fitting and was surprised by the poor packaging + every one has noticable dust etc. (which can be blown off).  Of course it's the product itself that matters and I have high expectations, but will have to see.  By comparison my cheap ZWO filter set which the Chroma are replacing, are still spotless like tha day they came out of their purpose made made / fitting + well wrapped.


  10. I need to find some slightly longer screws to attach new + slightly thicker filters in the ZWO x8 EFW. 

    These are currenly given as M2 x 4mm and I'm thinking of 6mm.

    As long as they're M2, will the thread be the same for any M2 screw or do I need that information too, or does somone know what it is + any decent source?


  11. As somone who got hooked on imaging a few years ago I'm finding this thread interesting, it's not that I've lost my passion for imaging but the perpetual days, weeks, even months of cloud is getting to me.  Of course observing requires clear skies too (unless its radio astronomy!) but a lightweight set-up that can easily be set up and used for an hour or so seems appealing.

    From an observer's point-of-view, what sort of set-up would you recommend for such a task, without breaking the bank?


    • Like 1
  12. I swear the forecasters don't have windows, it's not unusual that the weather outside is completetly different to what's being forecast at that time.  Notwithstanding, it is a difficult science and even the best of forecasts rarely get it right more than 48- hours ahead, unless there's a very definitive & strong system rolling in.

    Certainly since changing their weather forecast contract at the BBC I've given up on them, they're very poor.  I find the Met Office a good starting point, together with + Foreast.co.uk https://www.forecast.co.uk/cloud/ for cloud and surpringly the Nowegian Meterological Institute  https://www.yr.no/en/forecast/daily-table/2-2639545/United Kingdom/England/Surrey/Redhill - although I just noriced they've changed their display format which inevitbaly is not as good as before!  Sorry to our sponsors but don't find Clear Outside very good.

    Even with all this the sky can be very fickle and there's no substitute to looking out the window, in all directions - it's often good looking south + a big cloud rolling in from the north + look at wind direction and  speed to se what might be coming.

    Since I started astronomy 6-years ago it's  my strong imporession that there's now more clould, often lasting for weeks or even months + if it is clear it's at full moon! 

    Good luck.   




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  13. This is probably my last in a series of re-processed narrowband images using my new PixInsight 'skills' + assisted a little by Photoshop, Starnet++ & Topaz AI DeNoise.   I'd like to think I've left the best to last, it was certainly the most difficult!

    For any further information on the original data acquisition, please go to my website here:  https://watchthisspaceman.wordpress.com/2018/02/25/what-comes-around-goes-around/



    Rosette Final Adjusted (Large).png

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