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Everything posted by davefrance

  1. Hi Fay, I think you still have a tendency to lean to the left :icon_biggrin:

    1. Fay


      I know. i think I have corrected them, and then look and I have not   :hippy2:

    2. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      Some DSLR's have a digital level you can have displayed in the viewfinder. Not sure what camera you are using but it might be worth checking the manual :) 

    3. RichM63


      What a statement to make to a lady! ;) 

      Although wonky horizons are a pain. I tend to correct when PP, DXO Horizon tool, or PS Ruler tools.

  2. elle est debout devant l'évier, à faire la vaisselle
  3. If you want rust resistance get stainless not plated socket head screws/bolts. Won't go into the boring detail but socket head screws are normally made from a very high tensile steel and plating them can make them brittle.
  4. Whist in the UK recently I wanted some equipment but as I was continually on the move it was a difficult exercise. FLO came to the rescue. Having emailled them to check stock and explaining my predicament to them, they said that if I ordered promptly they would get it to me next morning. Sure enough at 07:50 the next morning the goods arrived just as promised. So a special thank you to Martin and the rest of the team for helping me out. Also for the after service, had a couple of queries, emails answered within minutes. You cannot get better than that.
  5. davefrance

    Non Astro

  6. davefrance

    Red Kite

    From the album: Non Astro

    © Dae France

  7. davefrance


    From the album: Non Astro

    © Dave France

  8. davefrance

    Chiff Chaff

    From the album: Non Astro

    © Dave France

  9. davefrance


  10. From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  11. Excellent James, I am sure that many of us novice and not so novice members will get a lot of useful tips and the confidence to "have a go" from your in depth guide. Many thanks
  12. davefrance

    Moon 14/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  13. davefrance

    Moon 13/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  14. davefrance

    Moon 12/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  15. davefrance

    Moon 12/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  16. davefrance

    Moon 12/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  17. From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  18. From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  19. From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  20. davefrance

    Orion Nebula

    From the album: Stargazing

    Single shot

    © Dave France

  21. davefrance

    Moon 10/03/2014

    From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  22. From the album: Stargazing

    © Dave France

  23. davefrance


    From the album: Non Astro

    © Dave France

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