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Everything posted by LeeWilky

  1. Parcel Farce actually bothered making my delivery today so my EQ5 is now motorised! Just need a clear sky now and thats not happening anytime soon according to the weather.

  2. Dual Axis motors for my EQ5 arrive today if Parcel Farce bother to deliver them!

  3. Looked outside and clear skies so ran out and set my camera and trpod up for some wide field shots and then clouded over before a single picture taken..... I hate this country

    1. Paulo83


      I keep peering out of the window (just over the Mersey) but I know as soon as I set up, it'll either cloud over or begin to rain! Not gonna take the risk.

  4. Man this wind is boring! Run out of photos to edit and starting to ger withdrawal symptoms lol

    1. ronin


      Go download data from the hubble site, should keep you busy for a year or two.

    2. Uranium235


      Ive used the time to paint the inside of my drawtube... wow, the interior paintwork on SW newts is nowhere near black. (well, mine is now!)

  5. Wind clouds wind and more clouds with rain. Love this country.....

  6. 1st clear sky since i bought my telescope last night and i was working all night lol!

  7. Still waiting for a clear sky. So impatient lol!

    1. Daniel-K


      Looking ok for after 12 tonight

    2. emadmoussa


      Yep - it's been a while, hasn't it?!!

    3. Jason71


      Looks like it might be clear here mate. Might get lucky.

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