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Posts posted by Nakedgun

  1. On 18/08/2023 at 10:36, saac said:

    As the great Jay Adams said, "you didn't quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding"

    Yep, Kryptonites (Kryptonics), back in the day they were the cool of cool. My first proper skateboard was bought second-hand, a Benjy Board  and it came with a set of Red Kryptonites, a set of Green Kryptonites and a set of YoYos. I was in heaven for the best part of 77. You get a pretty price for a decent Benjy board now :) 









    Your post prompted me to dig around in the attic....

    Kryptonics also made boards, and this was my second by them. A "carving" board, which worked better at skate parks for me, rather than a "kick-flip" type, which were better for street skating.





    Kryptonics wheels, I think the green CX-66 were the hardest compound they offered at the time.



    Tracker trucks:



    This was my last board before I stopped skating, probably around 1981. 



    I dare not set foot on it today!




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  2. ~

    From my experience, it seems there's none left now. 

    I've never had much luck with the Perseids, even from a dark desert site. One year out there, no Moon, I stayed up the entire night, counting only 26, total.

    My suburban backyard Saturday night was a total humbug, I gave up quite early. Think I'll skip them from now on.



    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, saac said:

    Not your usual astro kit but I was getting so fed up with my various astro related toys scattered around the house, camera battery chargers or usb cables never at hand when needed. So a trip to ScrewFix and here's the solution, quite happy with it ; slowly filling it up but now at least I will know what room I should be looking in :) 



    Astro Tool Chest 1.jpg

    Astro Tool Chest 2.jpg


    Fits nicely into the space provided. Do you think it's big enough?




    • Haha 1
  4. On 27/07/2023 at 15:31, Swoop1 said:

    Not delivered but collected after an Astro Buy and Sell find. RVO Horizon 72ED plus a box of accessories including a flattener, a 2" diagonal, a 1.25" diagonal, a 2" Barlow, a 1.25" Barlow, a mobile phone holder, an extension tube, a Cannon T ring, Polarizing filter, Light Pollution filter and various EP's.



    Quite a package. Looks like somebody giving up.




  5. On 28/07/2023 at 21:10, Grump Martian said:

    Since being a child I can remember seeing pictures of space art. I was taken to the Moon seeing pictures of it's jagged mountainous surface. Here is a lovely impression of Saturn seen from Titan. From the 1940's. Why do we need space probes to go there? Just live off his imagination. Lol



    Here are a couple of items I recommend for Bonestell fans:


    Published 2001



    DVD more recent






    • Like 2
  6. On 29/07/2023 at 04:16, Swoop1 said:


    I had a really great Roger Dean book which I leafed through on an almost weekly basis when I was a teenager. 


    Was it his "Views" book? I bought this mid-70s, had it for many years and not sure how it came to be missing from my collection (can't blame my wife!).




  7. On 27/07/2023 at 10:23, Mr Spock said:

    So, the last time I was outside I had an hour and a half on the moon looking at Aristarchus and Gassendi. That was it more or less for June. I have had nothing in July. Nothing but cloud every single night.


    Oh look, we have dark skies again, well, light grey for here. Sadly all I will see of it is more cloud. Is this just becoming a pointless hobby and we are all better off doing something less frustrating?


    Assuming you love observing, don't give up and quit, just find another hobby to enjoy when conditions are not favorable.

    I also ride motorcycles (hobby #1 since age 12), shoot guns, shoot photos with SLR cameras, read books. 

    Any number of things in life to be passionate about.

    Good luck!



    • Like 2
  8. ~

    There was a time when I wanted one of these, particularly after Uncle Al invited me to have a look through one at a star party where he was debuting his then-new 100° eyepieces. Wow!

    I never got one and the desire for it has waned since then. Never say never, but my thinking is that it won't happen.

    Good luck!




    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Chaz2b said:

    I will Dave, but I need to calm myself down first. I’ve never, and I mean never, have dropped any of my optical instruments.

    I feel terribly stupid and also guilty for hitting my neighbour with it, even after she said she’s fine.

    If you look at the two inline mounting holes, you’ll see the back one is slightly lighter in colour, the thread looks slightly stripped which insinuates I might have over tightened the thread stripping it.

    I will replace that mount with a better one.




    Well, they're not new anymore 😥.

    My 16x70s are used only on a parallelogram mount, so I have never attached the provided neckstrap, either, and they are the only pair I worry about while handling. Other binos, cameras, etc. do not get far outside the case before the neckstrap goes over my head.

    Yours appear to be of an earlier generation from mine, as I have no yellow accents.

    Good luck!



  10. 5 hours ago, Astroscot2 said:

    David,  used mine for a short time yesterday to test it out,  I had expected the polarising filter to make a greater difference to the brightness of the view when rotated during viewing?





    The brightness throughput can be changed by rotating the bottom portion of the eyepiece holder. Of the filters tried, results were not impressive.

    I found the greatest detail visible when no filter was employed. Seeing can make a big difference, as you would expect.




    • Thanks 1
  11. ~

    Clear skies and nice view of the launch (once it cleared the coastal mountains) and downrange trajectory of this morning's Starlink deployment rocket from Vandenberg SFB.

    Launch time 0015hrs.

    I watched it through an 82mm spotter.



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