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Everything posted by Eris

  1. Hello all, Attached is an image I acquired on the 7th August under good conditions. Only my second Jupiter observation from the current apparition and really happy with the level of detail already visible. Really looking forward to the next few months and longer evenings to really get to grips with imaging. Clear skies all.
  2. Really well done for the image and the commitment to imaging with (if I understand the previous post correctly) manual tracking. Keep up the good work.
  3. From the album: Eris image gallery

    IR image taken under good conditions. Image and equipment details are included in the image.
  4. From the album: Eris image gallery

    Jupiter under good conditions allowing a fair amount of detail to be seen. Looking forward to more and hopefully better images as the 2022 apparition progresses. Details of the image and equipment used is included in the image.
  5. Wow. I imaged Jupiter on the 18th with a C11 but my local conditions were not great. Fantastic level of detail on Jupiter, really does look like it was with a much larger scope, you really must have to good skies where you are.
  6. First image of Jupiter since mid 2018 after it became too low for me to see from my location due to buildings to the south of me. Poor conditions and Jupiter was only just over the roof tops but I am pretty pleased with the results. Equipment details are on the image.
  7. From the album: Eris image gallery

    First image of Jupiter since mid 2018 after it became too low for me to see from my location due to buildings to the south of me. Poor conditions and Jupiter was only just over the roof tops but I am pretty pleased with the results. Equipment details are on the image.
  8. Hi CraigT82. Yes this is the ASI 290mm (and not 270) which was a typo which I have corrected above. Thanks for noticing and thanks for the comments.
  9. The conditions on this evening were good and allowed me to put the C11 and ASI270mm through their paces. The series of images below I believe are my highest resolution images of these features so far and I am really pleased with how the scope and the ASI camera are performing. The original scale images do really show a great deal of detail that is lost somewhat in the compressed JPG images shown here. All of the images here are the result of multiple images stitched using the MS ICE panoramic application. Details for each image as follows, All images taken with Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter. CLAVIUS - x4 images MONTES ALPES and PLATO - x16 images MONTES ALPES and VALLIS ALPES - x6 images MONS HADLEY DELTA and HADLEY RILLE - x2 images COPERNICUS - x 5 images Clear skies all.
  10. MONTES ALPES and VALLIS ALPES 6 images stitched in this montage which is part of a larger 16 pane panorama. The 700 m wide rille can be made out running along the floor of Vallis Alpes. Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter.
  11. MONTES ALPES and PLATO Panoramic image created by stitching 16 individual image panes together in the original 50" x 22" montage. Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter.
  12. Copernicus Lots of details resolved in the crater wall under good conditions. I particularly like the fact you can see a peak rising from the crater rim and casting a dome like shadow down the rim (5 o'clock position). Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter.
  13. Hadley Rille Along with other images from this night which the atmospherics were good I managed to capture this iconic area with a fair level of detail. In the original sized image the rille clearly has a shadowed side and an illuminated side where usually it has appeares as a dark line. St George crater can just be made out on the elbow of the rille near the Apollo 15 site as a small indentation in the mountain side. Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter.
  14. CLAVIUS One of my favourite lunar targets as it contains a lot of detail within the floor of the crater and the crater walls. I think this current image has the highest resolution I have yet managed to obtain of this crater since owning the C11 (August 2020) and can get lost looking around in the full size original image which is huge at 24" x19". Always up for a challenge I will see if I can push this scope further over the winter. Celestron C11 with ASI290mm camera, 2.5x Powermate and Baader IR pass (685nm) filter.
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