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Posts posted by Skyline

  1. 18 minutes ago, adyj1 said:

    What license did you specify when uploading to Thingiverse? If you said 'non-commercial' then you can pass this information on to the Auction site and they should hopefully take action.

    Non Commercial and have reported one of the sellers.

  2. I would like to bring your attention to people selling 3D Printed Masks on a well known Auction site.

    Some of these sellers are taken off 3D designs of other websites then printing them and selling.

    Some of these designs are mine, which I have uploaded to thingiverse. 

    I am wondering to take them off.

    Your opinions would be helpful.


  3. I can happily say, mine does not exhibit this problem. I am using the optical matched reducer/flattener for the 62. I cannot comment on other reducers as I do not own any to try out.

    I have posted up subs on my short review without them processed indicating the CA your experiencing is not evident.

    You might have had a bad scope, you should approach your seller for a replacement or a refund, whatever your happy with.

    With regard to it using Premium Glass or not, that's the purchasers choice.  The same thing not long ago was said about the Evostar 72ED, but still it has been proven to be a good scope for imaging.

  4. On 19/12/2022 at 15:14, Roy Foreman said:

    Not had a chance to use this scope since the images above but it seems a nice little scope and well put together. And very light.  As a fast scope you will need to ensure that it is well collimated. The procedure is no more difficult than any other newt. One must have accessory is an upgraded eyepiece holder as the standard one is a bit wobbly ! 

    It only covers APS-C and the focal reducer works with other newts as well which is a bonus. I am very pleased with the scope and hope to get lots more use out of it when the clouds finally go away.

    Hope this helps.

    What backspacing did you use on the reducer, I am trying to still tease out the slight coma in the corners using a ASi1600MM?


  5. A question I would like to pose:

    Depending on what Bortle sky you image in, does it make any difference what camera is better to use?

    For example, would an OSC 533MC Pro better perform under Bortle 4 skies then if you would use it in Bortle 7/8? The same question would apply if you were using a Mono.


  6. On 13/03/2022 at 17:37, AbsolutelyN said:

    I've been looking at the recent addition of f/4 Newtonians from First Light Optics under the Stella Lyra brand and am curious as to how they compare the SkyWatcher Quattro scopes.  One thing in particular that stands out is the mirrors themselves .... they are BK7 whereas SkyWatcher use Pyrex. My very basic understanding is that BK7 has different thermal properties. In terms of using the scope for astrophotography is the difference negligible or is the mirror quality significantly different? Any thoughts much appreciated. 

    Skywatcher are using Borosilicate Glass in their Quattro 150P.


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