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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. I'm hoping to dabble in lunar imaging but I have a steep learning curve ahead of me. I'm in between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay and have some pretty good seeing at times and just built a concrete observing pad to view/image from. You are doing excellent with your equipment and I think its a natural progression to go after the larger aperture and the increase in resolution and spacial frequency it provides. Whats your next step up in aperture? I was thinking of a C8 after I get my feet wet wet with my refractor.
  2. I like this term 😀 So if I took captures with a color camera and picked an f ratio in reality only one colour would be proper out of this set of frame captures? How much affect does this have I wonder. Avani explained to me the benefit of the IR filter vs seeing a while back.
  3. Ok, in the example formula, f_ratio = 2 * 3.75mm / 0.5µm = 15 where did the .5um come from?(lambda??) Just trying to understand so I can do it myself.
  4. Thanks Stu, the info helps a lot and I'll try the Fonemate as I have 3 Delos these days. Yes, I have been pondering NV- I need to find out whats allowed. I checked prices last year (here) and they were very expensive over here and the USA doesn't allow export on a lot of their stuff. Right now shipping has gone down to a dwindle it seems at least with the Post. I really would like NV Stu! Maybe I can pick your brain down the road once things open back up. We are in a stay at home order in Ontario and more restrictions might be coming. Great image!
  5. I really like the 24mm ES 68 and am not motivated to seek any other eyepiece in its class, they work very well.
  6. Vlaiv what is this and how does it manifest?
  7. Hi Stu! Jut sitting here with a morning java looking out at the sub -30c temp lol! -35c last night by the lake. Great reviews, I didn't know you were into this- very nice work Stu. My niece wants to try using here phone on the moon and I thought I would help. Shes a nurse in a long term care facility so this could be a nice break from all that for her. That TV adapter looks easy to use and would allow the Delos/Ethos to sit in the focuser. Or the Orion could uses a few of my other ones- I'm now thinking the Fonemate- thoughts? I must review your apps mentioned too, no idea how all this works. I priced out cooled CCD astro cameras for DSO-ouch!!
  8. Excellent images- your SW120ED is producing truly sharp images, very nice work.
  9. I might buy one of these adapters- how do you like it? How long are the three eyepiece posts?
  10. No experience with the named scope makers but I do have experience with truss dobs. Mine are classic but to me a must have is the ability to use 'wheel barrow handles". The favourite scope here is a 15" f4.8 truss dob which is left assembled. I would make sure the optics are what they say they are as a good spec large dob can be super on the moon and planets- my 15" goes well over 700x on the moon in good seeing.Low obstruction, 22% or less is what I prefer but for sure under 25%. Oh and make dang sure the mirror cell is a capable one IMHO...
  11. Thanks Vlaiv I had no idea they were so expensive! If we were to pick a cheaper one?
  12. I want the potential for good success and with a buy once cry once strategy.I'm thinking mono with filters and the budget can accomodate a goodly amount. I forgot this Vlaiv- do I need flattener? This might be wrong one eventhough listed for my scope. "Focal Reducer/Field Flattener for SVR90T Apochromat This reducer/flattener is optimized for our SVR90T triplet lens. The flattener threads into the Feather Touch or Stellarvue 2.5” focuser. The 0.8X focal reduction converts the 90mm f-6 to f-5.6 and reduces the focal length to 504 mm. This reducer flattener has a standard 42 mm filter thread. Standard 2" filters can be added to the reducer/flattener when imaging. The backfocus of the unit is 55 mm. Since a DSLR with t-ring has a 55 mm backfocus, thread it into the cameras t-ring and then screw it to the focuser as shown below."
  13. I have a 90mm SV f7 triplet apo and want to image DSO like nebula. Mount is AZEQ6. What camera would be good for this scope?
  14. My niece wants to try this with her phone- is the image stacked and processed? Excellent image btw. Any advice welcome.
  15. Vlaiv, I have a 90mm Stellarvue Raptor, carbon fibre, FLP53 center element triplet at f7. I also have a niece that might want to try astrophotography. The speed issue confuses me- would this scope be OK for DSO widefield eventhough f7? its 630mm fl. I can start another thread if need be.
  16. It could very well be, but it is surprising what dark nebs can be seen- these objects are kind of a hobby within a hobby for me. In my 2 larger dobs I can see the Horsehead with no filter easily on transparent nights. I'm imagining the Bogeyman to be just a shade difference with no stars visible and a fairly big splodge visually. Bottom line- I won't know until I try! Excellent imaging Carole! keep up the good work.
  17. Great image and I never heard of the Bogeyman neb, LDN 1622. I'm going to give it a try visually now.
  18. Did you have to change the mount cables and grease? My AZEQ6 isn't used in the extreme cold because of the issues.
  19. Yup, that would be me, there was a set of tracks across the point again the other day. They love travelling across the lake ice to hunt.
  20. Not exactly sure about the eye relief, maybe it is 1/8" or so short of the mark. My Binotron powerswitch pushes the eyerelief around and I like the 25mm TVs better than the 18mm Tak orthos because of it. I really like the 32mm TV plossls but they absolutely need the eyeguard extenders IMHO. I have tried heavy eyepieces and also shortish fl eyepieces but the 4 mentioned EPs are the mainstays. I can merge down to 9mm fl or so but don't like it.
  21. I'm in Canada, north west Ontario. The high today was -20c.
  22. -29c here last night with crystal clear skies.Too bad the moon was out.
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