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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Very nice image Wouter, I just ordered a 224MC and over here in Canada choice (availability) is really limited atm. What do you think of this camera?
  2. 13mm Nagler, 14mm ES 82 or 11mm ES 82 and screw that barlow on the bottom...IMHO. Good advice above ^^^
  3. Excellent John, definitely possible with high transparency and a scope with truly high transmission.
  4. Glad you got out for a session Iain! Congrats.
  5. lol! Years ago I spent time on HII regions in galaxies inspired by the dobmobs reports. I still revisit and just love when conditions are top notch to see them. There is so much to see out there. ps did I mention the bucketload of galaxies I observed in Virgo?😃 also got 5 of those pesky galaxies in Uma- the 5th is the trick and the 14mm HW surprised me by pulling it out easily. Mind you the 10" does when doing the Marty Feldman using orthos Ie NGC 3990 etc Did you get all five in the 10"? and....
  6. @Littleguy80 I wonder what these bright sections are? 😀
  7. Thanks, I would really like to try a 76mm Tak on some very large faint nebs to compare to some other scopes. These objects will immediately let us know whats what. I might roust out one of these 38mm Panaviews.
  8. @Littleguy80 Neil, here is a sketch by Vlasov, no filter under vg conditions with a 10". Try everything but for me most of these regions are best no filter.M33 is another good hunting ground.
  9. In general no, but I did try the must have filter slide with the ultra high transmission TV UHC. The effect is interesting. In reality a higher exit pupil will help these with the UHC. Have you seen these features Neil?
  10. Getting any glass to these high levels takes time and money IMHO. Doesn't matter what the brand is.
  11. @Commanderfish @HollyHound If you guys were to compare the transmission and contrast on nebula how would the Panaview rate in relation to Ethos/Delos? Scatter? My 42mm LVW falls short but is still Ok.
  12. Question: who can see spirals in M81? Answer: Everyone. Conditions were very good last night so some brighter objects were targeted. M81 is a super galaxy to observe. The 15" f4.8 and 20mm APM 100 along with the Nikon 14mm HW got the nod for the job. Not much of a report really- after viewing M101 I went over to M81 with the 20mm 100 and BAM! 2 short very large spiral spikes appeared out of the extensive glow of M81. No special techniques or anything needed. In with the 14mm Nikon HW and the spiral definition improved, what a sight. My 10" shows the spirals, no fancy eyepieces are needed, my 18mm ES 82 is perfect for the job as are so many others. The real key is dark adaptation and dark, transparent skies. One thing- get the TFOV wide enough in your scope to allow some "edge" contrast" in other words get just beyond the glow. Works for me.
  13. A brief report on a stunning session last night. Very good transparency , SQM running 21.6 or so and the 15" with cleaned mirror was all Sky Commandered up. The eyepieces used were the 20mm APM and Nikon 14mm HW and were enlisted for the galaxy cruise. First off M51- the view rocked me back, distinct compact spirals with bright sections in them all with the connecting bridge. Man, after seeing this I knew M101 would perform M101. I must first say that from dark skies most any scope will show a bright "puffball" with the right eyepiece and the H130 excels at this. Throw the 24 ES 68 in there and away you go. With the the 15" at f4.8 100 deg eyepieces are superb. The first view of M101 with the 20 APM was excellent, showing its very large, offset open spirals to a great extent and with hints of little bright knots floating in them. In goes the super Nikon HW 14mm and whoa! just enough TFOV and mag to really open up this object. HII's all over the place. This is a must observe from a dark site, no matter what scope or eyepieces you own- try everything you have. This object is a goto, must observe object for me everytime conditions are good and its placed well. Have fun.
  14. What I'm looking for in the 40mm is contrast and high transmission with and without filters. Other things I can overlook if these 2 requirements are met, not that the 30mm and 40mm will be comprises anyway IMHO. After using Ethos/Delos class eyepieces in fast dobs on large extended objects I realized that the long fl EPs available and applicable to f7ish fracs is the weak link. Btw, I ordered a lunar camera today and tried for a 13mm Nagler but no stock, and so I wait.
  15. Nice eyepieces! I also have the 17E and it is superb, Congrats for having such nice glass!
  16. Thank you for this. The XW's are excellent eyepieces regardless of the fc in some. I'm hoping to find a lightweight upgrade for the 42mm LVW, a good but not great eyepiece IMHO. I have a 16mm T5 and hopefully a 13mm Nagler soon, we'll see tomorrow. Round that off with the 3-6 Nagler zoom and the holes are in the higher fl's. The 32mm TV plossl is excellent in my TSA120 so not sure if I'll roust out a 24 Pan or not. I would absolutely love to try the FC76 with a top 40mm eyepiece and filter on some of the huge nebs like the Meissa and up around the Elephants Trunk area. Not sure which Tak I'll get next but I sure appreciate the threads and info on them.
  17. I wonder if I can ask this on this thread- for the Taks @ 7.5 I wonder if the Pentax 40mm XW is good- whats the new "R" designation? I hope it means little field curvature.
  18. I would love one of those...and a 180 Mew and a 100mm DF and for true widefield the 76mm DCU 😀 The 150mm has crossed my mind- many many times.
  19. Call me what you want as long as you guys can convince the wife to let me have another Tak 😀 I'm looking to complete a Tak eyepiece set and have the mouse quivering over a 13mm Nagler right now...always wanted one of these. and yes, shes working right now
  20. Ive just ordered a second clamshell for the TSA120 🥴 I'm terryfied she'll fall off 😬
  21. You will see piles with your 5" under dark skies! Good luck for your dark sky trip, Gerry
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