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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. You know, some say the unobstructed TSA120 just might actually beat this scope?
  2. My SW 120ED will go 350x on the moon and then breaks down- I have not reached image breakdown over 700x with my TSA120. Not sure of the exact mag as I barlow the Vixen HR2.4mm but I'm thinking about 750x sounds right give or take (field stop location). The build quality is excellent as is the stock focuser, once learning how to adjust it- zero image shift. So to me yes its worth it. ps the transmission this scope has is extremely good and proven on very faint nebula.
  3. Had mine out on the moon last night and the views were stunning.
  4. Yes, I agree. I looked at your stunning lunar image in blue on your astrobin under good seeing 👍
  5. The whole image seems more textured and with more contrast resulting in a sharper, more defined image and therefore more detail. Actually fine detail and more contrast on everything. Dont have a way to mark images... Maybe its my eyes.
  6. How about those nice ridges showing in the bottom image on the very right?
  7. Yes Ive been learning about these, interesting. I do see more detail in the lower image- no? Which pass filter?
  8. Very nice image, which camera are you using?
  9. You use the Proplanet 642? Ok, I was wondering about the term IR cut- I have a 2" Beloptik UV/IR and also a ZWO UV/IR coming 1.25". Do you find the 642nm pass filter helps with less than good seeing or is the starting point a bit low? I'm looking at one of these myself. Which camera do you use?
  10. Excuse my ignorance everyone but what does an IR "cut" mean exactly? where does it start nm wise? it
  11. @Fedele could you post the images so I can see them, very interested.
  12. My uneducated guess is .90 Strehl minimum and most likely more and with a transmission of 94% ish for both mirrors together. A starbright SCT is looking at a nominal transmission of 83.5%... The 180 Mew is on my for sure list.
  13. Great image Fedele! I just ordered the ASI224MC and hope to get the Mew180 down the road. What nanometer IR Astronomik did you use ?
  14. Now this is whats called service, excellent service.👍
  15. If the 8" Edge isnt showing more detail somethings wrong somewhere- seeing or whatever. My 8" f3.8 dob with no coma corrector shows a lot more detail than my TSA120 even though the TSA will take much much higher mag.
  16. Even the much lauded Tak 100 might not want to try competing against a good SW120ED... IMHO
  17. Baader T2-01B? check out their short EP holders etc. They have a boggling array of vg adapters, rings etc.
  18. I agree- if it aint workin it aint workin. A 100mm refractor always works IMHO.
  19. Your image goes a long way to confirm the ability of this camera sensor and 850nm filter, nice work.
  20. While nice views can be had with smaller apertures, I find around 8" really starts to open them up. A 200mm f6 SW dob maybe? It could be cheaper than throwing a bunch of money at eyepieces for this IMHO.
  21. Thanks Wouter, I bought the camera to "get my feet wet" in imaging and didnt want to spend too much until I see if I like it. I'll use a 120mm scope to start with and use the VIP barlow that Ive used for visual for many years. Just figured out the lego set configurations of amplification, lots of options. The planets are also on the list but in reality the processing end might need the most work (education) in all this here. Great images.
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