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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. This is a very good image! I wonder what the lowest temperature is that this camera will work in? I live in Canada with cold temps and just bought this camera for lunar/planetary. It would be nice to be able to play around on some bright DSO without spending many thousands.
  2. https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/359628-bloated-stars-maybe-uvir-cut-needed/ I guess even TECs need understanding to make them work-star bloat and colour correction with the flattener, which Yuri disputes.
  3. Same here, SW120ED vs TSA120 except more than 10%...you sure youre not being gentle to the 100ED David?
  4. All the way down to -39c if we want to be accurate 😀 The AZEQ6 cables are useless and fragile in this weather but I can use it in manual mode. And yes, I've never encountered poor stars or astigmatism, or pinched optics in my TSA120. It not only has great optics - it is also a very tough scope, focuser included.
  5. One day I am going to try NV, for sure. This is the one thing I still have "drive" to acquire. As always great reports and images Gavin
  6. Not much to tinker with though? even my 24" f4.1 is accurately collimated in 2 minutes- after bouncing off the ramp and wheeled across the gravel.
  7. Like I said, the views through a big dob make one forget all about obstruction or anything like that. One look at the Veil through my 24" just might convince you Btw the 24" is 19% obstructed and does not twist up under cooldown. On the other hand...a C925 is running around 37% obstruction and with a big corrector to deal with thermally.
  8. Reflector owners are mesmerized by the view to the point that they kinda forget who made the mirror😀 On the other hand there is much time for debate among refractor owners IMHO
  9. Once healed up and not "draggin a leg" I can wheel the 24" out in 2 minutes, collimate and view... How about this? I'll challenge you to a NV duel- me with the 24" f4.1 -you with the C9.25 and see who gets viewing quicker and sees more!
  10. I could see that happening Mike, most likely borne out of frustration from getting sub par views in general due to LP conditions where he observed- with anything.
  11. I might believe that the true refractory members can't take a bit of a joke? one little emoji and things fall apart
  12. My offer is still open Mike! You can view through my TSA 120 and then immediately switch to my 15" and tell me what you see! I might humbly suggest that if the TSA120 shows more an eye exam might be required!!
  13. There are many that do the "armchair" mirror analysis using many references of test, zygos, star test and who knows what. The fact is that your scope is showing you so much more than any " high spec" smaller mirror could. I support my statement by de collimating my 24" a good bit and then putting it up against my 15" very well collimated- and yes the 24" still shows more of everything DSO wise. Excellent report Robert and keep up the good work! ps- Stephans Quintet likes good seeing, not just transparency. Under these conditions I use 357x on it with a very good copy of a 7mm KK ortho. This really opens the object up. My 8mm Delos does vg as well.
  14. A big dob is highly recommended for deep sky exploring- eagerly waiting to see what you get Magnus!
  15. I gotta tell ya, I'm very content with the TSA120- I was looking at TEC140s, TOA130 LZOS ,AP130and big 150mm fracs. The desire is not gone for one of these scopes but greatly diminished. I am looking at a Mew180c seriously however.
  16. This is very interesting- is there some measure of this density? just use more-than?
  17. @Roy Foreman nice images. I might try my 15" for lunar- do you use an EQ tracker?
  18. Well the TSA120 ota is a bit heavier-but- I cheat when mounting it. With the rings and dovetail the SW120ED is really close to the bare TSA120 ota. So, about my cheating... I mount the superb Tak clamshell with the ADM Losmandy plate on the mount first and open the clamshell. I then put the TSA120 in the clamshell and close it- super easy for me even now. I didnt get the TOA130 because of its weight, about 27lbs. The Tak 120 is easier to use with its clamshell than the SW120ED and Vixen dovetail-but- this is just my opinion. There is night and day build quality between the 2 scopes.
  19. Yes, the big reflectorys are best left to serious scientific research
  20. 😧 I gotta hurry up and cancel my new order back in a bit
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