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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Can you post that over in the "space/physics" forum too? 😀 Yes, for me facts are a very good starting point to learn from.
  2. Well its sure nice to have the knowledge to make them how each one of us thinks they should be.. I mean the Hubble guys did..,
  3. You really want to know why I bought a 120mm Tak? Because I've never heard of a 100mm Tak showing more than it from the Takophiles!
  4. ??? 🤔 The 127mm doesnt give more detail than the 100mm?
  5. And then theirs facts... one fact is light hitting sensor can cause noise- and it is sure nice to have understanding of what specific causes are and how to deal with it.
  6. Like me, as a wanna be imager (for now). I have fun learning about this subject- which will hopefully allow an understanding of signal collection and data processing for use in practise. It sure beats wandering around in the dark wondering why things work-or dont IMHO. Please continue vlaiv
  7. Or heaven forbid Skywatcher owners, Stella owners etc?😀
  8. 21.1 is nice 21.7 is super good- but if it were me I'd pick the spot that has better transparency if possible. On a very transparent night I would head for the 21.7...
  9. I'm not so sure its the Takahashi owners that are insecure 😀
  10. I wonder why you keep so much money tied up in your 2 premium scopes then?
  11. lol! I like that answer !😂 Ok I'll throw in the Leica Zoom too... All in fun, what a great scope David!
  12. Over in DSO land we talk of "averted imagination" is there a planetary equivalent? 😀
  13. I love my refractors too, they do offer a superb, "pure" view of things. I really do like this Tak TSA120 and for me its all I desire from refractor world. I really like this ^^
  14. Just a thought- I'll trade you my VX 10/Ethos for your FS128?
  15. A standard mass produced SW dob?!! Seriously!! Better than all that Canon glass?! ps thanks for that advice years ago when I was searching for the holy grail of planetary telescopes-and yes- my VX10 still gives better views than my smaller scopes and I'm serious about the advice.
  16. Yes, there must be many refractors capable of this-you have set a high bar for your 130mm LZOS!😀
  17. My point of reference is observing with both scopes mounted on the AZEQ6 and equalized. It doesnt matter when you know what scope your looking at when one takes unlimited mag on the moon and the other goes soft around 350x +/-. On faint nebula its closer but the TSA still comes out ahead contrast wise. I was observing the moon the other day using the TSA120/Zeiss prism diag and a barlowed Vixen 2.4mm HR... sharp as a razor. Maybe some SW120ED are better? I don't know.
  18. The SW120ED twists up in the cold.... my reference was when this scopes cell is working properly.😀
  19. lol! I do have a big problem- the AZEQ6 cables are very brittle and fragile in sub -20c. I should change the grease too but it does still work. Its the cables holding me back- I need soft silicone rubber cables and ends... and dont know where to get them here. Ive never imaged before but am gonna give it a whirl.
  20. Thanks I will next winter. I get very cold here and with low humidity at times but I can see that temp difference in the camera itself causing issues maybe. Only one way to find out!
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