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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I've had a cooled mono version of this on my shopping list for a while now, as the tiny pixels are an ideal match for my 80mm f/4.4 at 352mm. For anything much longer I'd be looking at bigger pixels. As Adam says, the ASI294 is looking *very* attractive for an OSC.
  2. Be interesting to see a comparison. Unfortunately not (Yet) available in 1.25" so would run me into serious costs buying new 2" RGB filters, and possibly a matching H-alpha (Not Astrodon, probably Astronomik).
  3. That could be quite useful as my L filter. I wouldn't put it ahead of the filter wheel though as it block too much of the individual R, G, and B channels. I used to have an Astronomik CLS-CCD as my L, but it blocked too much.
  4. I would agree with Dave regarding the Mesu, unless you want to spend a stupid amount on a DDM85 Std .
  5. Put these in their own thread by mistake. Here they are where they belong. Roughly in order of when they were captured. Leo Triplet, HaLRGB M13, Straight RGB The Witch's Broom, NHO, 2 hours each. Pickering's (Flemming's) Triangle, also NHO, 2 hours each Lastly, The Dear Lick Group and Stephan's Quintet. HaLRGB, very much WIP, but will have to wait for next year now. All captured with the 130mm f/7 TS Photoline Apo triplet from my back garden in Ruislip, borderline Bortle 7-8. No LP filter used.
  6. 50 Kg according to this: http://astrograph.net/epages/www_astrograph_net.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/www_astrograph_net/Products/AGTEC250-35 And please don't drop it, it's £50k .
  7. My 180 Mak set up to look at the moon. Note the 38mm Panoptic. Looks like a hand-grenade. Lit from my head torch and hand torch. I cut the session short as my feet were getting cold and wet, the garden was saturated.
  8. I have an 8" square sticky date cake already baked and maturing. Will be there Saturday.
  9. This turned up at work yesterday as I was leaving. When I opened it this was inside Lunt Solar Wedge, Baader Solar Continuum and Polariser filters, 15mm Starguider and Skywarcher Panaview eyrpieces.
  10. Ha ha, thanks! Yes, I'll be sure to keep it extended. Mind you, the rain will probably put out any bonfires .
  11. Hope I've got enough extension cable. My adaptor block has 15m, and I've just bought a 10m and 25m extension lead from GO I'm on Pitch 49, Buzzard.
  12. Looking at where my pitch is, Buzzard 49, it's not clear if it has EHU.
  13. This was my scope last night, imaging the Witch's Broom And this is what was lighting it Laptop and 24" TV. Laptop with mount software and Maxim camera control, TV with CduC and Maxim capture window. Red filters on both screens, also over the laptop indicator LEDs.
  14. My travel ki Mk II After a fruitless night faffing around trying to find the Veil on holiday, when I got home I put everything on a spare dovetail and added the RDF from my Megrez 90 and a lead counterweight I had lying around. I had to counterbore the outer holes for the socket screws I had, And drilled and tapped a 1/4"" Whit for the mount at the new balance point. Just got to try it out now. No clear nights for the foreseeable. There's enough spare capacity for a finder-guider if I want one.
  15. It would sit nicely on my DDM60, imaging capacity 28kg. My only concern would be for the dreaded "blue bloat"
  16. Just put this together Star Adventurer, ASI1600, filters, Leitz 180 f/3.4 Apo-Telyte-R. May put it on my Miller Solo legs as it has a 75mm leveling bowel.
  17. £278 for the 31mm LRGB set from astrograph. http://astrograph.net/epages/www_astrograph_net.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/www_astrograph_net/Products/AGALRGB31
  18. Well, if you really must have curved curves then astronomic will do you a set No need for a OSC , and no doubled green from the Bayer matrix.
  19. After checking the dates of the October half-term I've now booked for Sat, Sun, and Mon. Will probably bring the HEQ5 and either the Meg90 or ImagingStar 80. Maybe the Star-Adventurer too.
  20. Wonder if @Gina has seen this! looks right up her street .
  21. I look at that graph and see a mess, with colour information mixed up. Compare a typical LRGB set http://www.firstlightoptics.com/rgb-filters-filter-sets/baader-lrgbc-ccd-filter-set.html Also the example you've given is a NB target, the red channel mixes up HII, [NII], and [SII] information into one undiferentiated "red". Just my opinion of course.
  22. Not the same at all really, since you're not risking injury or death (Unless a stupidly massive 'scope falls of the mount on top of you). It's a learning curve like any other, and if you move straight to Mono CCD / CMOS you won't have to un-learn any bad habits you might have picked up with a DSLR (I know. Been there, done that), and you won't have wasted any money down a blind alley. As I've said above, if you run mono with filters then in H-alpha you can image when OSC or DSLR imaging is no-go. Lord knows we get few enough clear nights here without having to pass one up due to inadequate kit. NB will also cut through the all-to-pervasive LP we suffer from. You don't have to buy a full house of NB filters either, H-alpha, Lum, RGB will fit in a 5-position wheel without breaking the bank (Unless you buy Astrodon ). With Astronomik you could use their CLS-CCD as a Luminance filter and they would all have the same thickness.
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