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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Although the PC in my platform cabinet can connect through WiFi I've run exterior grade Cat5e directly from the 24 point switch in the office. One spur runs to the platform, another to a 5 point switch in the garage, and a third is unconnected, but will run to the obsy when it is built.
  2. Well, I managed 8 subs, 600 sec each, then saw stars missing, and the milky way disappearing so closed up. I think I may have chickened out early, as I started to see more stars as I was going back in, but wasn't going to start again. Good to hear you're feeling better Gina, take it easy with that obsy.
  3. Thanks Gina. Good night, hope you're feeling better tomorrow.
  4. Against my better judgment I'm trying two hours of [OIII]. 3nm bandwidth will help, but if you're not feeling up to it then I agree, the sky's not worth the effort.
  5. Fortunately with "Summer" targets they're visible right into October-November so we're not fighting a battle with shortening nights. Plenty of time to get well and get those targets in. Just look after yourself Gina.
  6. I had a look just before 11 o/c as I was locking up and there were stars visible, but I decided that there was sufficient cloud to make opening up futile.
  7. I'm not sure you'd be missing anything, as the cloud looks to be pretty solid.
  8. Yes, look after your health Gina, those DSOs aren't going anywhere soon.
  9. I'll expand that I prefer Stellarium's FoV display as it's easy to cycle through the 'scope / sensor combinations you might have, and the object images are generally more as you might image, rather than CduC's simpler graphics, it's also easier to check different dates / times for imaging. However for telescope control Cartes du Ciel has it, since I found Stellariumscope to be flakey at best. It might, *just* be OK with my HEQ5 but there's no way I'd trust it with my ASA mount, even if it could connect (I haven't tried it,and have no intention of trying). Stellarium does, however have a much better night vision setting, as it turns the whole display red, whereas CduC leaves a lot of white around the edges. Better to use a red filter over the screen.
  10. Yep, windy with it. Slightly better ATM. Mind you, the rain will have washed a lot of clag out of the air, so if it *does* clear tomorrow we might get some good transparency. I have unfinished business with the Crescent.
  11. Similar here, and better than it was this morning.
  12. How on earth did they get *that* past Mesu's patent lawyers?
  13. I use Stellarium for planning, checking FoV, and "fun" and Cartes du Ciel for mount control. Also have Sky Safari (Basic, free version) on my 'phone.
  14. I see it on Netweather Storm Radar. Been coming up from the south, just missing me. Bother could do with some rain on the garden.
  15. Better than I've got Gina, not worth even looking outside. In fact it looks rubbish all week.
  16. That's fair enough Alan, and probably the best option while Daughter needs financial support at uni.
  17. Given your situation, can you swing to a dome? They take up less room than a ROR and provide shielding from local light pollution. For visual you wouldn't need the extensive (And expensive) automation options. It's the latter that swung me to ROR rather than dome. In my last place I had a few lights shining directly into my garden, so did what oldfort suggested, though I used 50mm sq fence posts with trellis and weed control membrane.
  18. The sky's sort of clearing over here, but the transparency is only so-so. I'll give it a while before deciding what to do. The 'scope is set up and pointing at the Crescent ready to go if it gets better.
  19. Can't see the end of the road where it turns right, the fog's that thick. But BBC say's good visibility.
  20. I've had a similar forecast, but also had thick fog / low cloud all day, and it still looks urk. Hoping your sky is better than mine.
  21. That is just like my old 6" that was the first "propper" scope I had. Bought pretty much all the "bits" from Brunnings (Remember them?) in Holburn. I still have most (Or all) of it. Must get it back together again.
  22. CO is saying clear till 1 am. Not sure whether to go after M16 in Ha, as there'll be a moon.
  23. Great progress Gina! Can't offer more than interest and support, as your knowledge of automation is way beyond mine.
  24. Somehow I thought you'd come up with something a lot more cost-effective . Being a cack-handed nerk I'll probably end up buying something off-the-shelf 😆.
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