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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I'm just fooling around ATM looking at other possible targets. I now have a very good north-east horizon, so Pacman, Heart etc are very well placed already. Pacman fills the frame at 910mm fl with the Trius 694, while Mel15 is looking quite good.
  2. The Veil Complex is looking very well defined in [OIII]
  3. Just done a quick framing job on Stephan and Deer and set the target up in C du C, so that's my next target. Galaxy time again
  4. Yeah, lots of cloud coming over here too, high by the way it's picking up the light pollution form Bridport and Weymouth. Think I'll jack it in for the night.
  5. I think I'll call time on the Crescent for this year and start thinking about a new target. I have unfinished business with Deer Lick and Stephan's Quintet which will be coming into target range.
  6. If you can use it then OK, however the ASA DDM mounts need their own software for control and making the pointing files.
  7. Maxim is OK I suppose though not as good as SGP for capture but I'm done with buying yet more software. The ASA Sequence software needs Maxim and PinPoint for plate solving to build the big sky models it uses, so I might as well use it for my capture sequences.
  8. And what I thought would solve the problems I was having with this particular rubbish ASA software didn't work. Oh well will have to use Maxim as I've been doing.
  9. Oh dear, the perils of wide field imaging. I'm seeing strips of cloud here too, looks like they're coming from the north west-ish. TBH as I'm mainly debugging any actual imaging will be a bonus.
  10. Running the dew heaters, and using the pet warmer to keep the lens cap warm so it doesn't trap dew when I've finished.
  11. Same here, lots of wispy high cloud appearing. Bother. I *may* be able to try and sort out a niggling software problem with ASA Sequence, even if it's not worth actually imaging anything.
  12. No, sorry I'm strictly windoze I poked my head out just after 11 o/c last night as I was locking up, and blow me it was clear. Well, clear-ish there were gaps in the stars that suggested high cloud. Too late for me I'm afraid as I was getting ready for bed. Isn't it always the same?
  13. Nope, nothing here, and I think Gina's about halfway between.
  14. Been doing the same here too, but I'm not sure there's *any* green in the forecast for next week, and the lovely blue sky we had has vanished behind solid low nimbostratus.
  15. When I packed up I put a pet-warmer under the Telegizmos cover. Unfortunately this dislodged one of the counterweights, so I now have a balancing job to do. Bother.
  16. The [SII] sub I tried was no great shakes. Trying a HII, but TBH I think there's just too much moon. The milky way has been a bit washed out all evening, and now it's disappeared altogether.
  17. Just to make my joy complete teh [SII] subs were out of focus! With the moon up I don't know if I'll bother. Good luck with your imaging Gina, I may just turn in.
  18. [SII} usually is rather faint. Trying some on the Crescent, so faint I'm not even sure I'm on the target.
  19. Yep, very clear in [OIII]. Very good to see you imaging again!
  20. That's a good wide field, what's the exposure time? You've got the Crescent, where I'm pointing ATM.
  21. Opened up here, but as I don't yet have remote access, I'll have to go out to keep an eye on things, at least occasionally.
  22. And it's looking promising here too. Fortunately I can sleep in tomorrow, no dratted blood test to go into Portisham for!
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