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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. This is what the professionals buy when they want a 800mm 'scope. Just throwing this up, no I don't suggest you need all of this, just fillet it to your needs. If you have anyone who can make you DD motors for both axes I would seriously consider it.
  2. Packed up too, as the cloud bank looks pretty solid. So far I have 2 hours Red, and 1 Hour 40 min each Green and Blue. So next session will be 20 mins each Green and Blue and as much Luminance as I can get.
  3. Cloud bank come over here too, still got 40 mins to complete the 6 hour RGB. This is hard work. Going to hold off for the moment, see if the cloud breaks. The Netweather radar is showing no rain incoming, so should be safe.
  4. Oh dear. MW looking quite granular here, surprising given the pale blue sky we had earlier. Gone to red light in the house. I wish SGL had a night mode for the forum.
  5. Ah, that makes sense of the image. I've lost these targets from here, big tree and neighbour's house in the way, and when they were visible we had rubbish weather.
  6. Imaging now. Just 90 mins to complete the data from last night. If the sky stays clear I may look at HII, though I expect only NGC 7331 will show any structure.
  7. And the inevitable satelite trail. Still waiting to image, as galaxies need a bit more darkness yet.
  8. Just been out to get everything ready. Camera on and cooled, synched on Deneb and focus checked, now pointing at Stephan and Deer ready for full dark.
  9. Seeing odd patches of high cloud coming over. Will start watching the Proms on BBC4 and make a decision come the interval. I have everything up and running, just not the camera powered or connected.
  10. The clouds have pretty well cleared away though the blue is worryingly pale, but that won't put me off trying to get at least *something* more on Stephan and Deer tonight.
  11. CO is saying pretty much the same here. I may be able to finish off the run of RGB on Stephan and Deer, I managed 3 subs of each last night, will try for another 3 of each then move on to L, since the filter came today. Sunday is Odd, with CO showing a long run of green with one block of orange, in the middle.
  12. You can only do it with 3 nm filters, and I think Astrodon are the only company that make them. Even with 3 nm filters there's still about 15% overlap.
  13. Haha. I was posting from my mobile so a bit collapsed Old New Sulphur Luminance Nitrogen Red Hydrogen Green Oxygen Blue Red Sulphur Green Hydrogen Blue Oxygen. Reading the tables, there is a sort of logical alignment if you think about the Hubble Palette, and that I more often do NHO than SHO.
  14. Nothing expensive, just another UV/IR cut filter for my main imaging rig Now I'll reset the filters from SNHORGB to a std LRGBSHO for the Deer Lick / Stephan's Quintet.
  15. I'm done too, cloud has come over, so I've closed up for the night. Will check tomorrow how many useful subs I've got. As I was closing up I saw a meteor going over roughly east-west. Must have been pretty bright to be visible through the cloud.
  16. It looks like I've got an hour's worth, but the clouds are building so I may knock it on the head. Really don't want to, but I'm done with rubbish data.
  17. Got variable cloud and CO is getting worse all the time so getting what I can now.
  18. Sequence is still playing silly whatsits but the sky is too good to waste, so I've scheduled 3 hours RGB on Stephan and Deer.
  19. Looks like a pretty dark site, and some good observing.
  20. ND.9 *might* be a bit much, maybe, get a roll of ND0.3 and experiment with multiple layers until it looks right.
  21. O'oh, I'd better keep an eye out as you're to the west of me. It's still clear enough here to run a test of Sequence, though I suspect not good enough for actual imaging.
  22. Not quite night yet, but getting ready to run some software trials The monitors are still a bit bright, but I don't want to turn them down as I need to see them in daylight so will get some nd gell, possibly 0.9 will do.
  23. CO has improved slightly for two hours, showing orange rather than red. Not really trying to image, rather dummy runs to sort out a software cussedness with ASA Sequence (Not to be confused with SGP).
  24. That was with the old 8.5 nm filters. These 4.5 nm ones are a new design and look to be pretty good. Edit; Found the thread in Imaging Discussion. this is page two with some images
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