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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Should have gone through planning in the first place, as I did when I was first considering something similar, usually there is a pre-planning clinic to see if you're going to need planning. But even so it looks like he's fallen foul of the sort of neighbour who just objects to everything. Needing sunglasses forsooth, pure tosh.
  2. I regularly see such "shock horror" headlines from the Excess come up on my google feed but studiously ignore them as nobut clickbait. Same as "worst winter for 60 years" nonsense.
  3. Thanks Andrew, yes I see it now, very neat. May investigate simple spectroscopy when I get my ODK12 set up. Can't afford to move to Spain though alas.
  4. Wondering how those obsy roofs open? Do they slide off in one piece or run together in strips? And that's an awful lot of "stuff" hanging off the back of your ODK. Wondering what it it, the only bit I recognise is the filter wheel and camera.
  5. When there is the moon up I only bother with hydrogen narrow band, even oxygen and sulphur are badly affected, and I wouldn't even think of RGB.
  6. I've bought a lot of stuff from Canford (Was Canford Audio in my day), cable, microphones etc and hired theatre coms stuff for school. Thought you had to have a business account with them?
  7. Agh, you're dooomed James, Doooomed I tell ye..... They're coming to get you 🤣
  8. Looking again I can see mottling in the background, but I'll park this for the moment until I can get more data, especially Luminance. Be a while though as there's still too much moon, and the weather's dire.
  9. This is with a bit of green reduction and a touch of Maximum Entropy Deconvolution. A centre crop to get rid of alignment and dither edges. Looking at the JPEG I posted, it looks greener than the FITS image in AstroArt. I tried Unsharp Mask as well but it was a disaster. Maybe one or the other but not both. Not sure if there's an equivalent to SNCR in AA7, I just pulled the green down a bit in the Colour Balance tool.
  10. Thanks guys. I too see a touch too much green in the second one now, will need a very fine touch to remove *just enough* green to bring it to neutrality. @Paul M Yes the second is just a bit softer than I like, even though the denoise was a second iteration, I think it was still more than needed. Not sure about the background, I was wary of taking it down too much, following Olly's advice on other threads. I'll have another go, perhaps going right back and doing a new set of stacks.
  11. I just upgraded from AstroArt 5 to AstroArt 7 (Had to pay full price as I'd lost the serial number). The tools are now much more versatile, to the point of asking myself if I *need* PixInsight. Anyway. Here are two versions of Stephan and Deer from the original stacks. Processed in AstroArt 5 I've posted this previously And in AstroArt 7. This includes a modicum of Adaptive Noise Reduction. I may have gone too far, plus a Saturation Boost with Hue Adjust. Bear in mind I'm just getting to grips with the new features of even tools that are common, such as Trichromy. Is the second a wee bit green, or is the first too magenta? What do you think?
  12. I'm not sure, will have to revisit it on iPlayer. ATM I only have a 24" TV that cannot get HD so the animation was a bit small and low res for me.
  13. The size of the observable universe isn't something that can be answered in a simple manner. A full answer could take as long as they had time for in the whole program.
  14. Possibly they couldn't give as much time to each question as they'd have liked in order to get a good number in. But yes, an enjoyable hour, and good to see such a wide knowledge base in the panel.
  15. BBC 4 tonight, Sun 13th 9 o/c Note! A live studio edition, Chris, Maggie, and Pete answer questions from an audience.
  16. I did very seriously consider a dome, and looked at the Pulsar and Scopedome (At one point I had a design of a Pulsar dome on a "shed"), but decided that the added cost of dome automation made it just too much. There is a Baader clamshell design, but it's of the "If you have to ask how much..." persuasion.
  17. Urgh, that's disgusting. And I've just had my dinner too.
  18. It most certainly is, and by the looks of things in a very serious location.
  19. In which case all my 'scopes have been "serious" as I don't have enough money to buy a 'scope on a whim, in every case I've thought long and hard about why I want / need it and what I intend to image and with what camera. Having said which, the ODK12 I have incoming (And which I'm *still* waiting for OOUK to deliver) was almost an impulse purchase (A £5k impulse, Yeah right). I'd had a 12" RC on my hit list and had been debating between GSO or push the boat out for a CFF, when I wandered onto the OOUK stall at Astrofest (As one does) and was made a very good offer by John.
  20. It's at the top left of the photo, but here's a close up The black disk is the base of the DDM85. Yes, it is a bit tricky, but having unbolted it from the plywood square it came on, I think I can bolt it down.
  21. Even neater if the pier bolts down from the inside, no projecting studs at all. See photo in my obsy build thread.
  22. The first delivery of wood has arrived and is safely stored in the garage (What else is a garage for ) The white pyramid thing is the pier. There will be plenty more deliveries.
  23. Rawlbolts and drill for anchoring the pier to the obsy platform. The projecting studs are much longer than shown on the Screwfix site, but looks like the correct product. Still, I do have an angle grinder so can cut off the excess. The pier needs 8 X 12 mm bolts, unlike many that use fewer but bigger.
  24. Hmmm... Something that costs more than your car and needs a hoist to get it onto the mount?
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