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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. What camera / filters are you using (Sorry if I missed the post)? Only I'm seeing some huge blue / violet halos around bright stars.
  2. Physically, yes they are. However, your 'scope might not be parfocal between sulphur and oxygen.
  3. I'm not sure there's a "Right" answer, but if there is I'd like to know as well. My own thinking is that as Luminance carries most of the info then as much as possible, but I've been mainly NB up to now as it's only recently that I've had my imaging rig set up properly in my new dark-ish location. My latest effort has 3 hours each RGB, and 5 hours L. Not too bad but could do with another 5 hours L.
  4. Interesting design. I've been kicking around designs for a Littrow spectrograph using an off-axis paraboloid, grating and plane mirror from Edmund, but it's looking pricey. No CAD, pencil and paper at the most as yet.
  5. I have a Baader 2" 3.5 nm H-alpha filter outstanding, if it turns up in time would it be possible to pick it up from SGL to save it bouncing while I'm away?
  6. Edmund Optics? They have loads of stuff but not cheap. https://www.edmundoptics.co.uk/
  7. I think I'll chuck the Star Adventura in the car with the ASI1600 and one or two Leica Primes. Might have a look at M31. Debating whether to buy a shorter eyepiece than my 9mm Meade 5000 for the Megrez 90 (621 mm fl).
  8. I'm heading home on Tue morning, but would like some kind of breakfast so will have to bring something with me, even if it's only some muesli and Ultra Horrible Taste milk. Oh, and a kettle and tea bags.
  9. Ordered a dust extraction vac and a pair of proper ear defenders, as I'd just been using foam plugs up to now.
  10. OK. Set up the mitre saw on the bench with a free standing support. I'm not about to cut the long piece, just set it up as a trial. More photos. OK, anything not-obvious that I've missed? I removed the tin of varnish and the jar of white spirit. I think the dust bag won't be up to the job, so any recommendations for a cheapo vac (Read sacrificial) for dust extraction?
  11. Oh yes, I'll be very careful, taking things slowly and making sure I understand what I'm about to do before doing it. Reading the manual that came with the saw. ATM I'm assembling the mitre saw bench that's just been delivered, and will put the saw on the bench. Do things properly rather than bodge along. I've also got a separate stand to support the long lengths of wood I'll be chopping up. Been on plenty of H&S courses as a science technician, though not specifically woodworking. Helps with the mind-set though.
  12. Oh I will, just as soon as I'm in a position to do so. Been long delays on the ODK12 (Not surprising given OOUK's reputation for delivery) and getting the obsy foundation platform built. The only way I could do anything sooner would be to put the G3 16200 on the TS 130 f/7 but that would throw the balance so far out as to make rebalancing problematic.
  13. Well DHL delivered the mitre saw stand, so now I will proceed to mitre saw some fingers off.
  14. One of these yesterday. I wasn't expecting anything yesterday so was having my car serviced, which I had to rebook fron Friday after the same company stuffed up my delivery on Thursday. I had to go into their website to book a redelivery for today, which is when it *should* have been delivered
  15. Thank god I didn't click on that. Some things just can't be unseen.
  16. From @FLO Baader LRGB and ultra-narrow Sulphur and Oxygen. Just waiting for the Hydrogen. 2" filters for my Moravian 16200 camera.
  17. After some thought I've added a saw bench and free standing support for the long timbers I'll have to cut up.
  18. Well, I also managed to take delivery of a round tuit, and it's stopped raining for the mo, so here are some photos. That is a BIG box, and as heavy as it looks. Opening it revealed A tray of bits and bobs. Taking the tray out revealed the main event. Looks complicated. After wrestling with the styrofoam packings (Which wanted to come out too) I managed to get the saw out of the box and onto the floor. Now going to RTFM, to avoid removing fingers, or even hands. I have a horrible feeling that I may need to mitre the sole plates the hard way with a jig saw, as I think it will be too unbalanced in the mitre saw.
  19. I use a Trius 694 but didn't come to it via the Atik 314L. Probably I bodge it a bit but I just set my exposurs to give equal times to either RGB, or NB, and 600 subs for each. However I'm now living in a much darker location than I was so may well increase my exposures to 900 or even 1200 sec. One reason for using more, shorter exposurs has been to be able to kill aircraft (And satellite) trails with Sigma Stacking. My calibration has been a bit hit or miss I'm afraid as I know I should use Flats but ATM have been swapping and cleaning filters so many times that a run on a single target would need many sets of flats that are not the same for each filter. I have found, however, that I tend to get better results using Bias as Dark, and not taking dark frames at all due to the very low noise of the camera, something Terry also advises in the manual. YMMV.
  20. "Oh my God it's full of stars!" Brilliant job Steve.
  21. Well, Mr DHL (In a plain van, like the one they'll take me away in lol) finally delivered my mitre saw. It's in the garage, photos to follow when I take delivery of a round tuit, ad it stops chucking it down, had a thinner shower in the bathroom.
  22. Excellent news. Now stop my old school from polluting the sky with their floodlit playing fields. .
  23. Nothing today. Should have been the mitre saw I had ordered but just got a "Sorry your package is late" message from Amazon. TBH they have enough trouble finding my place in daylight, heaven help them when it's dark.
  24. But you don't need planning permission to floodlight your, and everybody elses, garden like Wembley Stadium
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