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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Thanks, both. At present I have 2.4 m of 600mm deep shelving that I'm using for general stuff, plus two lots of smaller shelves that I'll use for tools. There is an alcove in the garage that's 3m long and will take a std 600mm x 3m kitchen worktop that I'll put on sturdy bearers resting on concrete block supports. Photo to come tomorrow when it's light enough. I was looking on the Axminster website at the machine tools section, and getting a bit alarmed at some of the prices. Don't want to spend more than about £350 or so on the drill, but would go to £750 for a modest-sized lathe, possibly one described as a "model-maker's" lathe. Other than that maybe look for S/H.
  2. For £500, I would get a guide 'scope and camera first. You already have an excellent mount in the HEQ5, and as Vlaive says the 130 P-DS is no slouch either, I cannot see an ED80 giving you anything that the 130 can't unless you really hate diffraction spikes. I might also look into an ASIAir, the new "pro" version is just under £300, so may push your budget. If you don't already have a comer corrector then get one now, the Baader MPCC MK whatever is favourite. OK, just seen your post, so yes, get the ASIAir.
  3. One of my minor not-really-astro plans is well under way at last, which is to get shelving put up in the garage so that I can, at last, clear the floor, and more importantly gain room for a workbench and space for a floor standing pillar drill. Getting workshop space is something I've missed ever since leaving my old house in Acton. Maybe I can now cobble together bits for astronomy. I may also investigate a small-ish bench mounted lathe, though that is a bit further off and will require more research.
  4. Ooh, lovely detail and structure in the filliaments. Not seen that [OIII] tail before in my images, but then I've only recently moved to a dark-ish location. I have M1 on my hit list so will look out for it.
  5. Reluctant to make any plans for the new year. Got one obsy to build, and an open imaging position to make into a box. Both will (I hope) be remote controlled from my conservatory so being stuck indoors won't stop imaging. But beyond that no significant astro spending, maybe a SW AZ GTi for the Megrez 90 as a Grab 'n' Go, then put the 80mm f/4.4 on the HEQ5.
  6. The figures I've seen are in the region of 20 solar masses, more than enough for a very satisfying supernova.
  7. I have theoretical 21.66 Bortle 4 (Nearly 3) but likewise transparency makes a big difference. A couple of weeks back when I was stuck indoors with a duff back I saw M31 bright and clear through the double glazing when I went to the loo in the night. There was very little light from Bridport which is usually quite noticeable.
  8. Repeated on New Year's day at 2.10 AM. This is really 2.10 in the morning of Thu 2nd Jan, if that makes sense. Will probably need to set your recorder.
  9. Not done much today, just put the big vac (Used for dust extraction) over the garage floor to clean up all the sawdust from my cutting, and the bloke who did the new garage doors.
  10. My Telegizmo cover is held fairly loosely, and hasn't come off yet, even in the high winds we had recently (Which took slates off a roof). I use an electric pet-bed under the cover to keep things warm and the dew at bay. I have an obsy in planning for the new ODK12, and have preliminary plans for converting the platform where my current 'scope is sited into a remote controlled imaging box.
  11. This sunday the 29th ato 10 o/c BBC4 Comets and Asteroids, Maggie A-P trawls the S & N archives. An hour long program that should be worth watching.
  12. I put in an order for the full set in 2". I have the Oxygen and Sulphur, but *still* waiting on the Hydrogen. I'd have to check my order email, but it must be 3-4 months now. When I emailed @FLO I was informed that Baader were having production problems. Edit: FLO did offer to refund the cost of the filter, but as I've had unrelated delays before I can put them into service, I've decided to wait. I may get a 7nm one as a stopgap.
  13. Haha, the original drawing was with an HB pencil sharpened with a knife, but I thought it wouldn't photograph with sufficient definition, so went over it with ball-pen. Was tricky to get it reasonably square on my 'phone, which was the only camera I had with the 4;3 ratio I needed. It was actually drawn on some mounting board I had left over from framing some photographs. Edit: The interior details are still in HB pencil.
  14. Preliminary sketch. Sorry it's not CAD, as I'm finding Sketchup cantankerous and unintuitive, the other CAD packages are worse.
  15. The [NII] lines are either side of the H-alpha line, and very close so you need a 3nm or narrower bandwidth to separate them, most Hydrogen images are actually H+N. The [NII] lines are most strongly shown in planetary nebulae, and some SNR. I have had some success with [NII] in the Rosette, giving a nice 3D effect, but think [SII] might be more effective there.
  16. On my todd too for crimbo, so SGL is my community.
  17. OK, Re: the thread title, Astrodon, or Astronomik? There's a HUGE difference in price. If you *can* afford them, then 3nm Astrodon (Or the slightly less ruinous Chroma) filters will make a big difference to your imaging, as the 3nm HII is very nearly moon-proof, and even the others will cut through LP very effectively. Just save yourself £570 or so by forgoing the [NII].
  18. Just so. Carole has it right. Unless you are going to make a study of Planetary Nebulae, and possibly SNR then I'm not sure just how effective [NII] will be. I've hared down several blind alleys with [NII] and am no longer sure just how much real data I've acquired, given the 15% overlap between HII and [NII], even with 3nm filters. I'm still investigating my old HII / [NII] data to see whether I have genuinely separated them.
  19. Baader are as good as anything, and better than most until you get to Astrodons, but they are now ruinously expensive.
  20. Posted this before, however... This was 2 mins with an f/10 'scope. The catch? 2 metre primary, 15 um pixels binned 2x2 and cooled to -100 celsius The Liverpool Telescope on la Palma. .
  21. Do you *really* want [NII]? You'll have to get both HII and [NII] as 3nm filters from Astrodon, at £570 at time for the 1.24" size. As for Na, I don't know, maybe have a look in the Edmund Optics catalogue but be prepared for near Astrodon prices. My guess is you'll need to get a 2" / 50mm unmounted filter and either try to source a filter holder or put it in a 2" / 50mm wheel. Edit: Found this Sodium (Near enough) filter from EO. Don't be shocked by the price, EO are notably pricey.
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