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    Family, mountainbiking, stargazing, real ale, gadgets.
  • Location
    South Bucks, UK

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  1. Hi, thanks for the information.

    When you get chance would you be able to send me a link regarding the auto jump starter and the eyepieces please. 

    Are you happy with your scope, can you see plenty with it?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stevend


      I had a roll of black audio carpet. Cut a length (so that it makes the scope look twice as long) and then wrapped around to get the width. I then taped down the long side to give me a long black tube that just slides over the end of the scope. You need to use a material that can resists getting wet on the inside from dew. Others on SGL have used a bit of camping mat. Also try searching 'diy dewshield' or similar on SGL.

    3. Bino Pete

      Bino Pete

      Hi, sorry to bother you, Do any cables come with the scope so I can update any software on the mount or hand controller? Have you done this?

      How easy and what methods do you use to align the scope. Where do you get your home coordinates from that need to be inputted?


    4. stevend


      No. I have never updated the software.

      Alignment depends on session. I use Solar System if I am mainly looking at the moon or a planet, one star if I am looking in a single area or two star for a general session but make sure there is at least 90 degs between the two stars. A very good feature to look up on in the manual and practise is REALIGN. This allows you to re-align the scope as the session goes on alignment can 'slip out'.

      I get Home coordinates from Google Earth.

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