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Knight of Clear Skies

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Status Updates posted by Knight of Clear Skies

  1. Well, both forecasts look terrible, the Sat24 imagery looks bad, yet somehow I'm out imaging. Just goes to show weather can be very local, and makes up for the time the whole country was clear except me.

    1. Uranium235


      I gave it a miss, the sky looked well dodgy. Its a shame the forecast for the next week or so is dire as I really need to get my skates on for the 2018 IAPY.

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Fingers crossed for you. I didn't have much success last night, couple errors and equipment glitches, but still had a fun session and have a couple quick images to show for it.

  2. Finally have guiding going (fairly) successfully. No prizes for guessing I'm on M42. ;)

    1. JohnSadlerAstro


      This is me in 5 years time, lol.   Hope you get on well with it though! :)

  3. 2 cameras tracking and shooting...

  4. Forecast for the next three nights is for clear skies, fingers crossed.

    1. cardconvict


      I hope so still waiting for it to clear in lincoln

    2. Uranium235


      Happy hunting! (im on the search for some dark stuff tonight)

  5. Up at 3:30 to have a go at imaging Catalina passing M101. Modest success but I'm glad I made the effort, beautiful sky this morning.

  6. Woke up to an unexpected dusting of snow.

  7. Saw a sundog for the first time today.

  8. Unexpected bonus imaging session tonight. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Does Cornwall count? ;)

    3. Scooot


      Ah, saw your location as Herts, you must be at the observatory. Still lousy here I should stay there :)

    4. Mike73


      We've been really lucky down this way for clear skies recently. 3-4 clear nights every week for the last month. :)

  9. Some spectacular sunsets here recently. Guess there are lots of VW drivers in the county.

    1. xtreemchaos


      "thats a cracker"

  10. Captured my first photons since January last night. :-)

    1. Uranium235


      Cor blimey! Thats one hell of a gap!

  11. Astronomical darkness returns on Tuesday at my latitude. :)

    1. faulksy


      just been looking around the country and somerset way is ad in around 2 days, were not far behind. feel sorry for people up north though

  12. Starting to think about AP targets for the Autumn....

    1. tingting44


      m33 this time round for me i would like :)

    2. tingting44


      double figures in the season would be great, i only managed 8 hours last season on M31 :(

    3. xtreemchaos


      just some cloud free time would do me when the nights get darker.

  13. Spain was nice... coming home on Monday I stepped off the plane to 40mph winds.

    1. JB80


      Glad you had a nice break, what part of Spain did you go?

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Thanks. Was in Catalonia, about 30 minutes drive north of Barcelona.

  14. Clear skies, two modded cameras and a collection of lenses at my disposal. :-)

    1. hobsey


      Look forward to seeing you results. What are you thinking of going for?

      I'm imaging for the first time tonight, may just stick with the 50mm and 135mm for now.

  15. Added another Takumar to my lens collection, a 28mm f3.5.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alien 13

      Alien 13

      I bought loads of old lenses for as little as £3 each if i find a good performer then i look out for a more pristine example.

      Can never have enough.

    3. tingting44
    4. hobsey


      28mm, thats going to be very wide.

  16. Managed a quick imaging session before the fog rolled in.

  17. Looking at the forecast, might be able to get a quick imaging session in before moonrise....

    1. hobsey


      Lucky you.

      I have my Star Adventurer set up in my living room ready for to grab it for when there is clear patches.

  18. First light for modded Canon 1100D. :)

  19. Hmm, bit of a clear spell predicted tonight - but still quite windy, so not sure I'd get any useable subs.

    1. hobsey


      Good luck if you do. If it's not one thing ruining clear skies, its another.

      It's either too windy to do anything or there is a full moon.

  20. One forecast looking good tonight, the other pretty cloudy. I guess the question is: do I feel lucky?

    1. Uranium235


      Not tonite punk!

      Too much chance of a random shower to risk it.

    2. ronin


      It is clouding over, looks like 10-15% of the sky is clear patches.

    3. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Not the most satisfying session, but did get to check my modded camera reaches infinity focus and could make out the Sadr Region in a 30 second test shot.

  21. My 1100D is back from modding, now I just need a clear night....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tingting44


      nice one mate! you know your have straight clouds for a month tho....typical lol, can not wait to see your 1st light :)

    3. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Thanks both of you. Yes, the weather is pretty dire at the moment - karma for the clear run I had when I first got my tracking mount...

    4. Adamar98


      I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

  22. Woke up this morning to a leak in the kitchen. Then a few minutes later part of the ceiling collapsed.

    1. tingting44


      oh no hope everyone is ok

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Yeah, all fine thanks, although I had been standing under it 5 minutes before it came down to position some buckets and towels. Insurance will take care of it, it's just a pain.

    3. jabeoo1


      Like you say, at least no one got hurt. All the best with getting sorted.

  23. Pulled the trigger on a new Canon 700D, next step is to get the 1100D astro modified.

  24. Consistently outwitted by squirrels today. They either scamper off at the first sound of my approach or loiter in the Sun like a marauding Messerschmitt.

    1. hobsey


      Are you trying to get rid of or trying to photograph them?

    2. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Photograph. ;) A local wood has a huge number of squirrels living in it, must have seen two dozen.

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