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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. What issues are mentioned? Either I am blissfully unaware of my problems or dont have issues.
  2. I wasn’t worried! Just telling Sam that this is normal for my mount.
  3. On my e200, the RA spins very freely, but the DEC has some stiction, worse in some points of rotation than others. I just balance it in a place where it spins more freely!
  4. Really high level stuff here Adrian, well done 🤩
  5. That looks really good, so smooth
  6. This was exactly the problem, thanks for replying. Once disconnected I could make the adjustments.
  7. Mine blank too, also mine dont have numbers printed on them either.
  8. Nice! I also imaged this two nights ago, I got a couple of hours on it. I just havent had time to process it yet!
  9. Really nice, great FOV. What did you stop the lens down to? Personally I am not a bit fan of the diffraction spikes. If you didnt want them, an aperture mask would be a solution.
  10. Cheers Sean! It was taken from here (see photo), I was up setting up the 2600MC on the 14” SCT ready for some EEVA when the observatory opens to the public. I walked past the PST and the sun was out so it would have been rude not to take a quick peak
  11. That might be the issue. I dont have internet access on the PC so couldnt update drivers. I'll try on another PC later. Of course! I was looking on the back, thats where the QHY9 tube screws on The images - I dont know! Was faffing about with settings and stuff, was a late night! Will check them later on and post them. I do know that the spacing isnt right on the Tak
  12. Nice, very dramatic,love the blue higlights. Looks like a bird swooping down at night
  13. I'm happy to print this for you this evening and post at cost. I have red filament in the printer, but also have black.
  14. Also where does the dessicant tube screw in? I cant see an opening on the camera?
  15. I did manage to get some images last night with the QHY268M on the Epsilon but I have a few questions, if anyone can help please. In SGPro, when I opened the settings dialogue box for the camera (pink/purple window - I've attached a google image below), the READMODE selection drop down was greyed out on the bottom right. The top left drop down box had options for DSO or PLANETARY, with gain and offset already set, I think the gain was something like 152 (it was quite a high figure). I just moved it to GAIN = 0, and I picked OFFSET = 15 (histogram just cleared the bottom) Any suggestions?
  16. Hi Craig I found that flats need to be 3.5 seconds or longer or the shutter shadow was visible. I achieved this by using a sheet of 3mm grey acrylic over an A3 tracing panel on the lowest setting. I then made up a set of dark flats of the same time. I have tried dithering and not dithering. If not dithering, darks are essential. Results were similar, and I chose not to dither when I was running a dual rig. You get surprisingly more data when you dont dither. Cooling - I agree with tomato that the cooler isnt the most efficient of the KAF-8300 cameras. I ran the camera at -20deg C, and it achieved this all year round. However compared to the QHY9 mono that I had running at the same time, the cooler in the Atik used more power to maintain the -20 than the QHY9. HTH Adam.
  17. Is this the one I would have seen on Monday? Took a snap through the PST
  18. Looks good Adrian, stars are a nice size and the grey/brown of the outer nebulosity looks great against the coloured core. Adam
  19. True. It will only really work easily with the QHY wheel bolted directly into a thin QHY EFW.
  20. That is a neat solution, would be easy to 3d print a holder for them. Unfortunately this leaves it pretty much the same as the RASA, where automated imaging with different filters isnt possible.
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