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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Very nice Richard! I dunno which version I prefer, both look ok but perhaps the framing is just a little off centre. I hadnt really though of using starnet for OSC, i though it was more for NB etc.
  2. @lenscap you are more than welcome. I have been on the receiving end of generosity on the forum too and it’s a great place for like minded people to enjoy this hobby.
  3. Wow love the dark dust lanes coming off that.
  4. There wasn’t much of a delay between batches. Not much more than a week between yours arriving and the second batch! Doesnt really bother me, as the camera will live on a scope, but it was definitely a noticeable cheap addition.
  5. Finally making some progress with the new cameras. Still waiting on a M74-M68 ring from FLO for the FF on the SS94, but was able to get everything balanced and couple of subs this evening. I made a 3D printed bracket for mounting the QHY9 and lens on a vixen dovetail bar.
  6. Cool, I got a flimsy camera lens style cover on my camera.
  7. Very nice Steve. Did that dust cap come on the camera or is it off the EFW?
  8. Post man dropped off a new power supply after the last one went up in a puff of smoke (due to a short circuit)
  9. Amazing! Love that view. What a set up too.
  10. Great job 👍🏼 You might find light gets through the adapter. If it does you could try a layer of aluminium foil around the outside to block light. You could even print a bigger sleeve to slide it over the foil to keep it tidier looking.
  11. Seen it on FB. It’s amazing, done to perfection. I wondered why we don’t see more of it but I guess it’s isn’t possible from the UK
  12. I use APP for stacking and calibration, it's fantastic at this. But then the data gets moved into PS (or more recently I bought PI so trying out that too). I think you are arguing for the sake of it, it's pretty well accepted that APP isnt a complete image processing package, but it's very good at stacking and calibrating, and correcting gradients too. PI may well be a complete image processing product, I just dont know enough about it to recommend it.
  13. I know what you are saying, but you can also manually stack data in GIMP so you could say the same about it. I don’t think you will find anyone serious about astrophotography who only uses APP.
  14. Unfortunately APP doesn’t offer that, it’s not an all in one solution for processing.
  15. Yep you are 100%! I though that lip at 1.8mm was on the spacer but in fact it’s the front of the camera. FFS, that explains why stars are [removed word] and that’s two night’s of moon-free luminance lost. Cheers Dave 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  16. Are you sure? I had a quick look at the diagrams and interpreted it as still 12.5mm even with the M48 adapter. If I am wrong then I’m out by 2mm with the above scope.
  17. I threw in all the data I had on Markarians Chain from the Epsilon - about 4.5 hours. Maybe focus was out, or spacing isnt right, or I need to be more selective on subs, but not loving it to be honest. I havent really tried to process it because every time I do the stars just blow up and I hate how they look. I dont have flats because my flat panel broke, but I ordered a new one and it's due to be here this week coming. I have calibrated the lights with darks and bias. Anyone fancy a quick look at the raw stack to see if I have a problem with my processing or a problem with my kit. As much I love the F2.8 reflector, I cant help but be really envious of the lovely stars of the fracs. Cheers Adam. Markarians-Lum-session_1.fits
  18. Good idea, and had given me an idea for a 3D print! Currently I just marked mine with a sharpie.
  19. Thanks. Great resource page. I’m going to see what other fast scope users are doing 👍🏼
  20. Ok, my two cameras are CMOS IMX571, taking 2-3 minute subs, broadband.
  21. I was about to migrate to NINA, to allow coordinated dithering. I'll have to keep an eye out for problems and solution.
  22. Thanks Deeko, good read Im confused by QiuHYs post, screenshot below. What settings is he suggesting for 2)? I was collecting Lum a couple of nights ago with 180mm/F2.8 scope, so I’m falling into his 2) description
  23. Can you change the gain for each read mode? When I choose different read modes the gain doesn’t change, and I have to manually choose eg 56. Why is the high gain mode the best setting? Thanks 👍🏻👍🏻
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