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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Seems to be working fine last night, apart from mist/cloud issues. I’m only cooling to -10 deg C though. I just wanted to add an update on attaching the camera to an Atik EFW3. Currently the only way was to use the M48 adapter, which added 5mm. This meant the total back spacing of the camera is 19.5mm The Atik EFW3 is designed to mount directly to an Atik 16200 camera. Both seem to have a similar spacing of bolts. Indeed it’s very close and in fact I only had to widen the holes by 0.15mm using 3.5mm drill bit) to let me screw the EFW3 plate directly onto the QHY268. 5mm doesn’t seem like much, but it means I can use my ZWO OAG (16.5mm) and Atik EFW3 (22mm) with my Baader MPCC mk1, and still maintain the correct back spacing (56mm). Plus it is a secure flat fit 👍🏻
  2. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into what’s happening when I try to run two filterwheels. The serial numbers come up ok showing two distinct entities. I choose Atik filter wheel in one instance of SGPro and set up in equipment profile. In the second instance I choose wheel 2 and set it up in equipment profile ensuring I choose the other serial number. However the wheels don’t work properly and crash shortly after I move them once. I get disconnect messages in SGPeo. It’s then impossible to reconnect with a restart. It also caused my Atik camera to disconnect last night and wouldn’t reconnect. Any help appreciated - does anyone run two Atik EFWs? Considering changing to NINA but have made so many changes recently I couldn’t really deal with that Thanks Adam
  3. Cheers guys. The desiccant tube is attached and the beads are still yellow. 10 minutes too fast then to get to that temp?
  4. Looks like I’ve missed this season anyway so no panic. I was just thinking a slightly longer FL would be useful when paired up with my bigger Newtonian and then reduced down to c. 500mm (also faster) when paired up with my Epsilon. The 107/700 goes down to 525mm F4.9. But I don’t want to buy an unknown quantity.
  5. Russ post your raw unprocessed stack here for a look.
  6. I am quite interested in the APM 107/700, but this does make me think twice. APM claim an FPL-53 element, and some Sharpstar scopes also list this. My 94EDPH does not claim FPL-53 glass however. This looks to be the same scope as the APM 107/700 https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p11024_TS-Optics-PHOTOLINE-107-mm-f-6-5-FPL53-Triplet-Apo---3-5--Focuser.html
  7. I hadn’t considered a WO to be honest. I must look into them though, just been put off with reading about issues from other in the past. This example seems a bit expensive - a new FLT98 is £1899, and now comes with a decent 3.5” focuser.
  8. One of the guys on the NEMETODE meteor group seen it, at a matching time. No videos yet, but I'll post any that are shared.
  9. Can you share a location and direction of the light trail 👍🏼
  10. Any one have any icing issues? I connected the camera to SHPro, and inadvertently cooled it to -20 dec C (the profile settings were for my QHY9 which I used to use at -20). Anyway after it had cooled to -20 deg C over a period of 10 minutes, I tried to focus with a mask and saw nothing but a massive weird star in the middle of the screen. Quick look down the tube, and sure enough the middle portion of the sensor (or glass) was iced over. I warmed it up again and reset it to -10 this time, but doesnt look to be 100% clear. I have the desiccant tube attached and it's in a dehumidified dome. No issues with the other cameras.
  11. Just replied to your message there Russ. What Alan has said basically. The x-axis scale would be easier to interpret if displayed from 0-65k
  12. Any other considerations for a good short FOV refractor? Budget £2000-2300
  13. Nice setup. Looks small against that monster refractor.
  14. Looks great Dave. Stars in general look lovely and small. I wouldn’t mind doing 600s subs too as shorter ones soon add up and lots of time is lost to dithering. What were your camera settings?
  15. I confess I’ve always wanted one of these since they came out. When one came up for sale recently I was quick to act! Such an epic looking camera!
  16. Is there any particular way of recording the data and then processing to retain the colour? I recorded a video earlier and stacked it in AS!3, but the colour doesnt seem right. When I record in FC the image goes blocky and greyscale. Does it have to processed in a certain way to bring back the colour? I dont really understand what debayering does. Cheers Adam
  17. Please share the images, looking forward to seeing them. I really enjoyed using this camera, and it never let me down, producing great images, especially in Ha where I felt it really excelled.
  18. Would you mind sharing those findings Martin? I changed to a new PCs couple of days ago, and still trying to get all the settings just right. Do you use Shelyak in SGPro or work off POTH/DEVICE HUB? Thanks Adam
  19. David this worked. There were 12 files missing in the new folder!
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